
Psh, whatever. I once won a round of jousting in American Gladiators on the NES with my hand over my eyes and I barely looked through my fingers, so... There you go.

Sounds sounds like a post bachelor party story, for some reason.: “There I was, just in my drawers, only 3 hearts left, facing the epic ass boss that I have never seen before....”

I confused one Reza Pahlavi with another, sorry. I thought the terrible ruling monarch was 100+ years old still somehow. But no, the worst one is dead. So still, is Francisco Franco at least according to Chevy Chase.

Something like “US’s CIA and newly favored terrorist entity mujahadeen e-khalq seek to falsely foment a popular uprising, as the US attempt to do so in Syria has failed, Ukraine succeeded, and here’s a new attempt.”

That POS couldn’t even kill a deer. Useless. I hope the deer stalks you and/or sues your ass.

whoa, Wichita is in California now?

Um, because he didn’t kill anyone. He can be charged with falsely reporting a crime, and possibly conspiracy to commit murder if the prosecutor is good enough.

I mean, falsely reporting a crime is something you can be punished for. And he probably will be.

In the eternally wise words of Papa Mean Gables, New Years Eve is amateur hour for going out. Bars are full of people with no goddam sense who don’t know how to be unobtrusively drunk in public (but who are fully committed to over-drinking), woo girls, bros, covers for bars that have no business charging a cover, and

cause citizens to lose their money

Those lazy fucks.

It’s just the usual Hillbot nonsense. They still can’t accept she lost the easiest election in history. She lost to Donald Trump. Donald Trump!

They are disgraced for not keeping stuff that hurts democrats to themselves like a proper media organization would. (not my definition of proper however)

The “disgraced transparency organization Wikileaks”? Really. Where did that come from?!

Probably gearing up for his job as US Ambassador.

Nah, I’m good thanks.

Being able to have sex all the time...

I get that opioids are bad and this is a crisis, but alcohol related deaths total 88k a year. Why does this get ignored?

“Blockchain” is to 2017 as “Internet” was to 1999. You can almost hear the pop ahead of time.

“You’ve seen fingerlings.”