
They had to do a study to determine this?

@Navin R Johnson: That's exactly it. The prototypes are only being shipped to the US, probably because that's where they'll work best.

@walkingagh: Same kinda thing here: my mom doesn't do anything but browse the web, and gets confused by the complexity of Ubuntu and Windows.

They've been saying this for a long time. The only reason they haven't deleted it already is because various governments wanted to press charges and needed the data for their cases.

I had to watch this 3 times to comprehend the awesomeness.

VOTE: Godaddy

@trs: Haha, win!

Jesus, WTF?? This is the stupidest thing I've read in a long time.

Big G FTW!

@FritzLaurel: Ya, actually IE9 is _very_ standards compliant. It's a pretty big leap from IE8.

@vlatro: That was fantastic. You win, sir.

@Gann: Same here! I hate that...

@MaxPoint: Hahaha, no kidding. That cartoon was creepy only because of the crazy animation.

@Pessimippopotamus: I don't mind the infinite scrolling, but I'm seriously disliking having to mouse over to see the size, type, etc. of a result.

Heh, I'm betting this is about the same time Chrome OS launches as well.