
Their “purity” rap is just as odious as those father/daughter pledge her virginity dances. This is the real fucking world. There is no such thing as a pure politician. If their more precious than rubies Bernie won the election he’d have to grovel around in the shit and “betray everything we stand for!” because that’s

HAS EVERYBODY FORGOTTEN NADER???? 2000 wasn’t that long ago! We got eight fucking years of Bush out of that debacle!

Yes! Because a trump presidency would have no conceivable effect on minority communities at all right? Because these people want a revolution, except they don't know what that means!

Assholes. I am so done with the “new” progressivism that waves a giant middle finger at all social issues except those they deem worthy.


ugh Yes. The Jill Stein/Gary Johnson people are the worst. “Let’s send a message about our political system!” Is your message that you want Trump to be president?

Oh so you know my husband? I have rage-fueled debates with him about his voting 3rd party because there’s no way Trump could win. And I’m like NEWSFLASH he is the Republican nominee, which nobody thought would happen, like why are you going to jeopardize our futures?

That woman was insane. I like how even the trump delegate said she would obviously vote for Hillary over Stalin but the bernie delegate had to THINK ABOUT IT.

Cherry: Hillary voted twice for war, Bernie voted twice against war. Every human being has value.

I got that watching Samantha Bee last week with that Bernie delegate woman and her glass ball she carried around the world and thought it meant something.

Fully crying now.

People in my feed, smart people, keep saying stupid things like Trump won’t win so i will vote third party. I am forming an ulcer right now.

It’s really a sickening feeling and makes me want to hate everyone for the rest of my life.

I want to break shit. Combined with current polling and Nate Silver saying an election today would lead to a Trump victory I just. Don't. Get It.

I have a panic attack every time i hear about a democrat who wants to vote for Trump just to spite Hillary.

What Bernie Or Bust voters don’t get is that Trump wouldn’t be setting the agenda. Trump’s campaign made it clear that his VP would be the one setting policy, according to Kasich staffers.

Gotta respectfully disagree on all counts.

But there is the matter of supreme court vacancies...

When Roy Cohn calls you callous you need to invest in a whole body PedEgg.

Me and all my nerd friends went to see it (separately) over the weekend and loved it. It was awesome and your life will be sadder for lacking it. :’(