Did you test the lock on the safety box the game came with? That thing is seriously the weakest lock I have ever seen. You can unlock it with a steak knife.
Did you test the lock on the safety box the game came with? That thing is seriously the weakest lock I have ever seen. You can unlock it with a steak knife.
Orlando still isnt a great city of the world, it just thinks it is. All the parks are south of Orlando, giving the city delusions of grandeur. All Orlando is is paved over orange groves.
I’ll be honest. I’m sometimes scared of this whole “Please Rework” mentality everyone has nowadays. As mentioned, I get that balancing so many hero’s is like watching a really awkward juggling act, but I just pray it won’t get out of hand (Now the community is crying to rework bastion...again.).
No idea why you think a USB to SATA adapter would be helpful in attaching floppy drives to modern motherboards. Floppy drives didn’t use either USB or SATA, they used Shugart interface which dates back at least to the 1970s long before USB, much less SATA, with a 34-lead ribbon cable attaching disk drives to the…
Stop it.
Z-sama on the front page O:
AMD drivers on point though no issues here.
I have two Retron 3s and they work fairly well compared to other clone systems. I got a Retron 5 when it first came out and it was horrific. I could take a fairly common game and put it in the Retron 5 and struggle to get it to work if at all, then watch it run perfectly on the Retron 3. I returned it but I’ve heard…
Degree of tiredness doesn't justify the continual watering down of terms that are SUPPOSED to be serious accusations into meaningless ad hominems. Essentially calling studios immoral if they make a game with white male protagonists now because of how desperate some people are for diversity is absolutely ridiculous.…
oh hey, whats that, farcry 4 had an asian lead, you still have the telltale games walking dead prominently featuring non-white characters as main characters. Hell wolfenstein you play as a jewish man (how often do you play as a jew in a video game). You had bayonetta also kicking ass and taking names along with a new…
I find nothing wrong with encouraging diversity, but I do find a lot wrong when a game announces a protagonist or a set of protagonists and then some folks proceed to TEAR THE STUDIO APART because the cast isn't diverse enough by calling them racist/misogynist/etc.
We've seen thousands of weird and cute and all other sorts of adjectives pertaining to simulators this year, but nothing looks quite as dull as this one.
He listens to metal on his headphones spending about 7 seconds at each house, not even glancing in the houses direction and he isn't old enough to have spent years getting to know people on his route.
That you refer to folks who understand that "always online" comes with its own set of severe problems (see also Diablo III, Sim City, etc) as "the unwashed masses" tells me that the dirty folk might be onto something. ;)
But they dont update on a regular basis, but what can you expect from Scott Kurtz