
All racists, misogynists are scared, pathetic and little once they come face to face with which they swear to hate.

I’ve been thinking a lot about Futurma, today the Cold Warriors episode, where Professor Farnsworth says “Now, now, we can’t all panic at once. We’ll have to take turns” pretty much describes me and everyone in my life.

I love Meyers. I’ve been watching him this entire election. And everything he has has been saying, I’ve been thinking. Especially, the whole Trump must be shocked that he won and would rather have a show bit. Seriously, Trump, take the show. You don’t want the White House. You just wanted to prove that you could win

Think we can get pence to go hunting with Cheney?

Hey I called today too and my appointment is also on 11/29! *Internet high fives* we can be iud buddies !

The optimist in me thinks that in 2 years, after everyone has dealt with massive price increases for health insurance (unless they lost it when the ACA was repealed) that cannot be blamed on Obama, this will help turn the House and Senate blue.

I’m getting mine tomorrow (my doctor won’t allow a hysterectomy but no way in hell was I going to risk being fertile in a Pence administration, so it was booked last month). I doubt I’ll feel any pain because I’ve been numb with disappointment in my fellow Americans since this morning.

As soon as #2 is born I’m off to get snipped. Did they make you wear a cone?

I cannot believe we live in a world where Donald Trump can be president and Jenny fucking McCarthy is taken seriously as a medical expert. Idiocracy became a documentary way faster than I thought it would.

And for the male readers out there… if you really know you don’t want children, now is an excellent time to consider a vasectomy.

I’m right there with you. The GOP created this nightmare, all of them, even the #NeverTrumpers. They spent fifty years pandering to the very worst humanity has to offer, peddling racism, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, and a disdain for the poor and the sick. They created an entire propoganda wing to brainwash

Fuck all these Trump enablers that didn’t disavow him when he was tweeting that racist birther bullshit. I hope the democrats dig in their heels and somehow prevent a new SCOTUS appointee. And god forbid something happens to RBG during the next four years, I’m counting on Kagan to Weekend-at-Bernie her until the

People in my office are already talking about how they will need to take “second amendment remedies” against Trump if he doesn’t lock up Clinton. The problem is that she didn’t actually commit a crime. I feel like some of this will take care of itself when Trump has to face off against the people who voted for him

I never have either, but I was crying so hysterically this morning I had to take a Xanax and a sick day.

The best we can hope for right now is that Trump will feud with the GOP instead of doing everything they want.