FUN FACT: “Everybody knows what’s going on in this country with fentanyl and child trafficking and rape” came in a close second when Trump was choosing campaign slogans, but EKWGOITCWF&CT&R didn’t look good on a hat.
FUN FACT: “Everybody knows what’s going on in this country with fentanyl and child trafficking and rape” came in a close second when Trump was choosing campaign slogans, but EKWGOITCWF&CT&R didn’t look good on a hat.
He says he’s a doctor but I don’t see any markings, white coat or stethoscope so I think it’s only fair for someone to pull a gun on him, force him to the ground, make him show his medical board credentials and his med school degree for good measure because everyone knows what’s going on in the US with people…
“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty” which is why I pulled a gun on an innocent man until he proved he wasn’t guilty. Flawless victory.
““And everybody knows what’s going on in this country with fentanyl and child trafficking and rape. Terrible stuff.””
Ah yes, those child traffickers who famously return children to their homes safely.
Based on the photo of the engine bay, that looks distinctly rear engined, not mid engined.
The word is “wattle”. “Waddle” is something a duck does, or a noted NFL player. Details are important.
The beady-eyed headlights, the utter blankness of its fascia, the jowly flabbiness of its proportions...yup, I’d say the “stylist” was paying homage to Putin’s favorite bitch:
Real reason: if you tell them something in response to that question it’s admissible in court.
I’ve only ever been on one cruise (other than ones I took years ago on grey boats with rather crappy amenities).
So much Florida man.
This is one of the dumbest takes I’ve read on Jalopnik all year (and that’s saying a lot). The “extremely lopsided on paper” comment completely OMITS what was admitted in the very first paragraph: the Cybertruck is towing a copy of the car it’s racing!
I wonder if Jalopnik would still be around if it weren’t for the ad revenue generated from anti-Tesla content.
Donuts are fried.
Yep, I know less now than from just reading the headline.
This article goes on and on and never really details what the sponsorship issue actually is. Oh, they filmed here, then there was a strike, which is over, none of which is relevant to the story.
Look, I’m not a Tesla Stan but:
Teutonic Terrorizing Tammy
Swabian Slurring Susie
Mahwah or the Highwah, Klaus!
Since they are obviously uncontrollable ticking timebombs, maybe combat vets with PTSD shouldn’t be allowed to own firearms?
This all could have been prevented if there had been a third person with a larger, higher-caliber gun who could have defused the situation.