Wiggle Puppy

Since the obvious answer of “nearly every BMW” is taken, I’ll submit Chevy’s trucks:

This will be an easy slideshow to make.

Will Mexico pay for it?

They’re definitely going to find a Camero down there, too.

Mazda 323 GTX.

A dude on the 4:20 flight to Amsterdam was super hungry? I couldn’t make that up if I tried.

I guess no means no unless Brundle is doing the asking.

Aerospace engineer here.

Sure Jan.

1962 Cadillac

“Racially insensitive.” No, that is a hell of a lot more than insensitive, that’s the whole kit and caboodle of straight up fuck-you level racism.

I’ve had an XL/AWD for a few months now, my $.02.

1. The engine and drive choice has more to do with your use case than an objectively correct answer. A lot of (most?) people prefer the hybrid for the mileage. I went with AWD because it’s wet here and this will be my son’s first car/truck in a couple years. Having said

I have the 2022 hybrid, and we average 43 mpg. Definitely worth getting the hybrid. I live in the mountains and the FWD has been sufficient at all times.

Better yet, some planes fly with more fuel than they took off with.

Another thing to consider is the consumption of fuel. Because a jet engine burns jet fuel, it loses that 160,000 kg over the course of a flight, effectively becoming more efficient as it flies. The weight of batteries never leaves the plane.

From what I’ve heard, if there is a loss of containment (magnetic shield drops), the reaction stops instantly. The issue is that you still have a crap ton of heat that is going to cause issues.

Don’t get too excited yet. The US got more power out than they put in, but it wasn’t by a lot. To get this to full scale power will take well over a decade, maybe more.

I got through the first minute and a half and and without insane engine sounds…. It’s not exciting. At all. 

Loony Toons...the worst? ...or the BEST?