As I scrolled down the story, I mistook the advert for the new Mazda 3 for the Subaru, so yeah, they’ve gone bland.
As I scrolled down the story, I mistook the advert for the new Mazda 3 for the Subaru, so yeah, they’ve gone bland.
How long until we get some solid evidence?
Oil Press gauge is maxed.
That is not a hood pin. That is a turn signal indicator and there is one on the other fender as well. As a child of the early 70's, I really miss seeing those things while sitting on the center arm rest in the back seat, not buckled-in, not giving a care.
Also, I’m back to being greyed-out? Pshaw!
This is the first time I’ve heard that Coulthard was on board. Cool.
So that isn’t axle grease then? Thought it smelled too sulphury.
No spark plug wires? Hell, I don’t see any wires at all.
I think the requirements are:
I laughed my ass off, thank you.
That woman being half-ejected during the rollover, then being slammed back into the window opening, was brutal. I bet she has a few missing teeth.
To quote the bottom of the page: “This car was involved in an accident and repaired.
And they write upside down too!
Why are people driving on the Autobahn NOT required to wear nomex and HANS devices if they are driving over 200MPH?
Psh! Consider their posh hours, and all those cool holidays they enjoy, then add that to how awesome their jobs are/were.
Do you recommend a good wine pairing with licking cars?
They were called "Toylets" (Toyota + Chevrolet)