You'll find it on Reddit.
You'll find it on Reddit.
Yeah! Nothing's better than sleeping in a car in Phoenix!
Reminds me of the back roads in the Northern California coastal mountains.
I haven't laughed that hard in a while. I got about 11 episodes in until I realized I should have been asleep hours ago.
Yeah I know all about rust, I worked on a large boat and replaced the zinc anodes periodically. I was just stating that they are both a form of chemical oxidation, oxides, whatever.
Oxidation, Rust - same thing.
Powerful Joe Rogan.
Oh I get it, you're joking because I highly doubt you'd be kicking anyone's ass in that situation. HAHA! Fooled me! For a fraction of a second, I thought you were a tough guy.
At first I thought maybe they had a camera and light under the hood.
Google: Motorcyclist crashes into back of semi and read on.
Americans are larger than they were waaaaay back then.
Because it's in so many videos, and it is making the song unbearable for me; I'm a life-long AC/DC fan.
This fucking song should be banned from use in all military enthusiast videos.
I had the same feeling when the cars at ALMS switched to diesel. But, as a bonus: I could hear their under panels scrape on the asphalt, and the sounds of the tires scrubbing-off speed at the top of the Corkscrew.
Looks like the runway's curved to the left. Weird.
A Fiero.
So much car porn.
Very, very nice! I hope to see video of this car soon. Maybe a review, ala: /Drive.