Wiggle Puppy

Except make it better, then not build it.

Yeah but, I want to see what that expensive camera last recorded. I'm sure the internet will provide.

I have a similar experience with the FR-S. I thought it was just a heavy stock flywheel.

All. These. Mountains. And 8 events is simply not enough, dammit. I want the luxury of attending at least 2 per month.

We have all these mountains and so few hillclimb events. That there's the tragedy.

I can't stand it when they don't re-aim the headlights. I'm fine with lifting the truck all you want, just keep the lights and bumpers at stock height.

"That's a man raaht chyah!"

You're making me miss Grödig, and Krampuss.

As a regular drinker of Stiegl, I approve of this.

Or how only one guy actually acts out the part of the impact while the passenger(s) are stationary and smiling.

SpeedVision is what got me hooked on Aussie V8 Supertouring. I've been a fan ever since.



Baby, I'm gonna split yer differential wide open, and then I'm gonna lube you up.

Sure, they'll float... unless there's a hole there, on the floor, made from battery acid. I've owned three Beetles, and two of them had to have the floors patched.

I've loved those cars since they were new. I used to live in Ramstein, and these cars were used to escort VIPs in their Mercs. Always the white Opel GTs, and they were fast, to me at least.