
Someone is missing a chromosome. Trump is not a facist and his immigration policies are let those who come in legally and welcome them. Now, “try to taint the legacy of the first African American president” . Who’s obsessed with race here? The left or the right? Just something for you to thank about

Jesus, shut the fuck up.

“Read your history, son. I can’t be a bigot or a racist.”

“Sabotage the legacy of the first African-American Presidency”? I don’t understand why liberals are so racist. Obama created his own legacy of division. Stop blaming everyone else and think for yourself.

If u voted against it then why r you saying racist thing towards white women😡Sounds like a contradiction to me ....get over what happened years ago.... different time different era... we r what we r.... disputed our color...stupidity hasent a color...!

Why would I campaign for someone I don’t agree with? She mishandled classified information. In my line of work, that’s a no-no. I would be in jail had I done the same thing. So no, I didn’t support her. The difference is that I didn’t balk at the folks who did.

You CAN’T be racist? Are you kidding me? Why, because you’re black?

I didn’t vote for a white supremacist either. I voted Donald Trump. Man if your guys policies were as good as your imaginations, your person might be in office.

Eh... you should look at yourself in the mirror sometime. Trolling with your bigoted and racist attitude.

Yeah, still you. I don’t remember many Republicans (except Trump) making the childish comments you did.

You are a hater dont kid yourself.

I found the site where all the losers and haters console each other. There there. Hush little babies dont you cry Trump is going to show you a better way

Grow up.

Yeah, I voted for Hillary too. I canvased for her and I am a volunteer for a left wing org (that asks we don’t name them when we make political statements). But I will NEVER wish ill on other women. I wish INFORMATION on them. The second we start writing other off is the second we let the Republican’s

because it’s all about your fucking feelings. Jesus, Retreat to your fucking safe space

53% of white women voted for Trump, not 100%. Yet, you want to generalize your hate on ALL white women. Women of all colors support other women. Look at the March on Washington a few weeks ago.

Your racism is showing.

What hateful garbage. Make no mistake, you’re a hater just like them.