There has GOT to be a way we can blame Scott Walker for this. But I’ve started my weekend early and can’t think past the giggles.
There has GOT to be a way we can blame Scott Walker for this. But I’ve started my weekend early and can’t think past the giggles.
Egad, that brings us to this story: I had a talking Bozo the Clown doll. Loved that thing, took it everywhere with me. My dad and his pal Jose were working on Jose’s car. The guy decides to bring out tequila to end the night. The Old Bear is usually a beer man but he is game- and several shots in these fools have…
or people who are okay with living cheap and crashing on virtual stranger’s couches for months on end because they genuinely believe in what they’re doing. it’s exhausting and you might be reduced to crashing overnight at HQ in a sleeping bag when the campaign hits high gear, not all of us are overprivileged little…
I live in Milwaukee. I’m from Wisconsin. I love this state. I hate this man with the fire of a thousand suns. #notallwisconsinites
Scott Walker’s newly released press photo.
I have a feeling those pesky John Doe investigations are gonna get really interesting once his campaign is “officially” underway and he really starts enduring national scrutiny. Shady, shady stuff.
I know you’re not being serious, but some of the really awesome regular Jezebel commenters are from Wisconsin. They’re doing their best to fight this mother fucking douche nozzle shit bag.
I actually feel terrible for them, because I understand not wanting to leave your state for reasons, and living there has got to be…
Orrrrr the state could use that $250 million dollars to reinstate the $250 million they just cut from the University of Wisconsin. You know, the one that cost UW Milwaukee 200-300 middle class jobs. Madison lost around 400 middle class jobs. What’s that? You’re a bigger fan of basketball than you are of education?…
The one that started 80 years ago? No, those guys are dead.
I dined at an Olive Garden yesterday and, near the end of my meal, heard the waitress announce to the old couple at the table next to me that their meal had been “taken care of.” The woman paid zero attention to this but the old man became incredulous, demanding to know what the waitress meant. She explained that…
Now I want to make a dish that is red, and somehow both pureed *and* crunchy, to make all their heads explode.
Chicago? Fachrissake, you didn’t even wind up with better weather! ALL the sympathies.
Usually don’t comment, but wanted to add:
Time to call it a holiday and go dancing, y’all!
I haven’t seen someone get this much mileage out of an old man’s poor judgment since Reagan slipped the Contras a few extra missiles into their Christmas stocking.
If you think about it, any story about food is the beginning of a poop story.
But Wisconsin is cool, right? At least, Madison used to be terrific.
Then I demand a raise. And a BJ.
As a Beaver Dam (city, not town), WI resident, born and raised, fuck you too. This isn’t a case of someone finding an orphaned deer or bird or any number of animals native to this state. This is someone buying animals from half a world way, that are shitty pets on their best day, trying to claim they are “service…