
Does this count? I used to get tormented by a guy for working the local McDonalds after school. I lived on the outskirts of a rich suburb at the time. I honestly think I was one of the maybe 10% of the student body that had a job. My cloths were old, my parents had one car, and they basically had to sell everything

*cough* Mr. *cough*

She would give me hives, but I was vaccinated against bullshit as a child....

I just had a flashback to my retail days. I've found poop and used tampons in dressing rooms. People are disgusting.

I thankfully did not work in a place with a changing room... shudder. Do people think because there's a door that locks it's a toilet? I DON'T GET IT

I will never EVER understand the mass amounts of 'poop in the changeroom' stories I hear. I just...don't...ugh. People. PEOPLE.

You are stealing, and you are fully aware that it is wrong. Don't blame the artist or the record company. If you didn't want to steal, you wouldn't. Your logic makes no sense. What's to stop you from pocketing small items when you go to the grocery store? It's okay, right, because if they didn't want you to steal the

Lighten up, Francis.

Well, what should embarrass you is the fact that your ass crack is always hanging out of those too small jeans you try to squeeze into every day. You aren't 14 anymore. BTW have you applied for those jobs yet, and when are you going get in to the dentist for your 6 month cleaning?


If my child had an adverse reaction to a vaccination I would NEVER encourage others to avoid them. I would want every child around her vaccinated as much as possible to ensure the herd immunity that would protect her. Because if she, by allergic reaction or neurological sensitivity, cannot tolerate vaccines she is

I'm in Chicago now and I have to say that I think I would rather have snow for days on end than rain. I think that might be because I have new bangs, though, and they look ridiculous when it's humid out. I also think I'm saying that because today is the first day in what feels like 700 days that it's above 30 and

I love those comments, because it says so much more about those idiots' inability to read than anything else. When your third or fourth line is usually something like, "I'm from a small town in Wisconsin" and then they say, "WHY DON'T YOU TRY LIVING IN A SMALL TOWN IN WISCONSIN, HOITY TOITY!" I just shake my head and


Oh please, you bratty big city New York people always do this. Why don't you come to a rural small town in the Midwest and see what we deal with every single year? This isn't even a big deal.

See, when I see "sliders" I think of White Castle.

Yesss I know!! I'm in college currently and I missed seeing Toy Story 3 in theaters for some reason, but I got around to watching it when I got to college and I was just crying all over the place. It was such a perfect way to deal with the long time period that had passed by the time the third one had come out. One of

Sometimes grown ass people contract a horrible, tragic disease called Great Kid Movie Blindness. GKMB often prevents grown ass people from even realizing how awesome some kid movies are, but it can be cured. If you or a loved one has GKMB, begin treatment immediately by watching, marathon-style, the great kid movie

Got that right. At least Charlie Shortino seems pissed about it, too. I feel like he's commiserating.