
I was going to post one of his douchey workout memes, but I didn't want to sully my computer...

It's the beer and cheese. Everything is better with beer and cheese!

So close to a perfect score!

And they use the clothes to wipe-then hang them back up for someone else to find.

Ya mean like the customers that confuse the dressing room with a bathroom stall? Yeah, those people are AWESOME.

Depending on the council-troops can do booth sales on their own and will choose their own spots. Market research suggests that inside grocery stores are the best-but hanging outside Weight Watchers is just cruel.

As a former scout leader, I can tell you that the troop made excellent money from the cookie sales! About 65 cents a box-when a troop sells over 1,000 boxes, that adds up quickly. I never made my parents finance the troop-the cookie sales covered pretty much everything-dues, badges and trips to Mall of America (our

Well, if there's one thing I can promise about Wisconsin weather is that the season's will change-it may not be for a while, but they will!! Soon we'll be complaining about how hot and humid it is outside....while enjoying a beer on the terrace. I hope the work on your Master's degree is going well!

So last year was your first Wisconsin winter (obvs)? Aside from the 100 inch year, this winter and last winter have been THE worst winters! Last year it just went on forever! It hasn't been normal-don't give up! Soon the spring flowers will bloom and the lakes will open and you'll remember why we do this.

Oh Toy Story 3! My daughter (who will be going to college this fall *gulp*) was a HUGE Toy Story fan as a little girl! As in-choose any sweatshirt you want from the Disney store and she skipped over all Princesses and picked out a Buzz and Woody one. So we go to Toy Story 3 at the theater a few summers ago-she

Hey! It wasn't negative this morning though! So nice to see a +1 on NBC15 and not -16....it's the little things.

And he was Little Elvis in Honeymoon in Vegas! So cute...

On this one-give it at least two days. They may have every intention to let you know the same day, but things come up and decisions can't always be made in the expected time frame.

Okay, I'm an HR Manager and I will tell you a few things-handwritten notes are the best, but emailed thank you notes are acceptable-be sure to spell everyone's name correctly and don't carry on about your qualifications in the note. Just stick to thank you very much for meeting with me regarding xxx position. After

I'm stuck on the same level. I just refer to the tornadoes as little fuckers. I swear they are deliberately going after my striped candy just as I'm about to make a combo!

You are an evil genius!

My family is opposite-out of us six kids-four gingers, two blondes (i'm one of the blondes).

This is the one that did me in-a DC Batman artist drew him!

This is fan-fucking-tastic!