
Plastic surgery billboards are so classy! There's this one all over my city for breast enhancement. It has a picture of a lemon, then a picture of a grapefruit, then a picture of a watermelon. I tried to find an image for you, but I couldn't! All I found is this one (which is actually pretty funny.)

Never been proud to say I'm from Ann Arbor before now

breathe, bro. this mess right here is why a lot of us prefer dogs to drama queen humans.

Wow. So much anger... Did you get bit as a kid or something?

Lemme guess, you're a cat

Some people have helper dogs and they're allowed to go places with them because they have disabilities.

"It is an animal. An unpredictable animal that can and will harm *actual* people and other animals, at its will."

What if you're a cat person AND a dog person?

Meanwhile dog people are confused why their hobby of picking up poo with their hands isn't appreciated more by intellectuals.

I must say, I have zero reverence for religious symbols. To say it is thousands of years old does not lend it sacrosanct status. Even more so, there is much reason for some to purposefully debase Hinduism, much in the same way that critics of Christianity might invert the cross. Of course, the irony of the inverted

Isha, as an Indian-American woman, I remember my mother insisting I wear a bindi "for decoration" with my lengha or salwaar kameez for some Hindu function, temple, party, or what have you. Both my parents are well educated, but even they didn't think much about the cultural significance of the bindi, nor would they

I don't know if it is worth noting. The issue isn't that a culturally appropriating bindi wearer might hurt someone's feeling, the issue is that it displays an colonialist attitude that native cultures exist to be used as fashion accessories, that native cultures can be exploited for monetary gain that never benefits

Woah, where did my normal, intelligent Jezebel commenters go? For the 1,000 time:

Sure it's neutral to you if you aren't a part of the culture you're sampling. It's not for members of the sampled culture, plain and simple. It's childish to take something like this & complain about not being allowed to wear whatever you want - respect other cultures enough to not fetishize certain things into

I wish Jezebel would do a post about the amount of white people (mainly from North America) who like to to use the term gypsy to describe them or to describe a type of fashion, just stop romanticizing our culture and realize that real gypsies (we prefer it if you don't use that term) face hardships that you couldn't

I'd really like to hear that story about the stranger's blood. Also, I'd like to see Queens of the Stone Age live at least once before I or Josh Homme dies. Well, in his case, dies again.

You all are so mean. I responded to this ad and this gentleman was fantastic. Sure, he "murdered" me, and now I'm a "ghost" speaking to you from "beyond the grave". But before he stabbed me 30 or 40 times(I know-you were expecting death by gun, weren't you??! he's full of romantic surprises like that). But back to

I was a big red wine drinker until July of this year. That's when I realized, "huh. I wonder if the nightly consumption of 2-3 glasses of red wine might be contributing to my depression and increasing (and somewhat alarming) lack of desire to be around people of any kind?" I haven't had a drink since July 26 and

My cousin Claire is essentially a brunette version of Gwyneth Paltrow, right down to the fat-shaming, macrobiotic monomania and $200 cashmere socks. She gives out mini boxes of All-Bran cereal to trick-or-treaters in her fabulously wealthy Toronto neighbourhood, I shit you not.

So why doesn't she just hand out bags of low-sodium nuts or pomegranates or something that sends a healthy message? Or, much cheaper than that, she could just turn off her porch light and choose not to participate. But she wouldn't choose either of these options because her desire is to shame children for being