
Fighting is part of the game.

64 yr old was British, that was his hard Brexit.

What you see here hinges on whether you believe that “Make America Great Again” is a dog whistle meant to unite racists, misogynists, and homophobes under one umbrella, or you’re delusional and don’t care about people who aren’t white men.

That seal put some mustard on it too.

Your orgasm is in another castle.”

Ummmm no.  The question is: who’s going to play Endora????

A good lesson to take from this is that it’s never a good idea to use racial slurs at work.

so i was gunna train today but i ripped my nutsack in half. im bout to get stitched up. i was holdn a board over my head with a drill n my pants. i was sizin up the board n the drill went off n tangled my nuts up n it. i dropped the board and reversed the drill and untangled my nutsack but they was ripped n half. im

You’re talking about suggestive “ghetto” names, and your company is named “Mantality”? GTFO, right now.

This ended about the way you’d think it would.

“shut up nerd”

Why are weddings off limits?  Standing in his own backyard minding his own business wasn’t.

Now playing

I will never not take the chance to post the best watermelon video ever.


Her: “I didn’t do anything!”


Ahh, I see that Becky With the Busted Lip was unaware of the “Talk Shit, Get Hit” clause in subsection A, Paragraph 3 of The Wypipo’s Guide to Not Getting Your Ass Whooped, in which it clearly explained that “talking shit” does indeed include the snatching of things, which includes both edges and protest signs.