
I'd like to see something like this, but hold 4-8 standard rechargeable AA batteries. That way in 2-4 years when they aren't holding a charge anymore, you can go to the store and buy some more at a much cheaper price.

This is one of the reasons why i like 3rd party messaging apps like Google Hangouts. You can leave a group chat if you so desire, and you can silence a specific chat so you don't get notified about messages in it, yet still stay caught up when you're free. Additionally, you see everyone name/picture who's in the chat

That's not really how physics works. While the mass of the cable might be in the middle, there is most definitely tension. So much tension that scientist haven't been able to find a material strong enough to keep it from being ripped to shreds (just Google "space elevator cable materials"). It's like a massive game of

It's only smells.

That's a good point. This doesn't actually drop the brightness, so much as create a shade over your screen, so in most cases it will do little for battery life. And depending on how poorly your phone handles blacks it may not be great at keeping things dark in a dark environment.

When you have so many failed hard drives coming in like Seagate, you probably get pretty good at the RMA process.

There really aren't enough surge protectors out there with USB ports on them these days. Half of them still have the telephone in/out for some archaic reason, but no USB. Who the hell is using a modem anymore??

So do the people that don't pay any income tax for 10+ years in a row. They should either contribute or be penalized in some way (forced community service, confiscate possessions, jail time) for being abusers of the system.

This looks like it'd be a good controller for PC gaming, but I wonder if I could buy two and have them work at the same time for multiplayer. Or 3? Or 4?

White women...

That's an older version. Not the same thing unfortunately.

I wish more companies would produce mini-ITX boxes that have the same shape/footprint as my receiver, cable box, DVD player. I like to stack devices in the living room, and I haven't really found a single box that fits that type of layout, and i'm not sure why.

Holding CTRL down or middle clicking is not "default" behavior. I'd rather it be native functionality. TabMix Plus give me this and more functionality over tabs for Firefox. But there isn't the same feature set with Chrome that I've found yet.

Is there an option to make bookmarks open in a new tab by default?

Going from basically no real user data capture, to a couple million people in a single day when they turn on the lights, will most likely not go exactly smoothly. I'm sure they will have issues that first week trying to handle the load.

Because they don't have any backend servers yet, and the amount of users would crush them if they generated everything on the server side. So they are offloading the website generation to your computer. All this extension does is hook into Google Reader's API. It's like using Tweetbot for Twitter. It's just a

All Feedly is, is a front end to Google Reader. It's the same backend data that's getting called through an API like many of the GR Phone apps. It's like saying you're working to migrate off of Twitter by using Tweetbot. Feedly is not a true solution at the moment.

Holy crap! I'm shocked at how expensive these coins have jumped. It was only about two weeks ago they were around $30/bitcoin. Now they are pushing $80. It seems to be getting really popular to the point where they are just a commodity to own instead of use because the price is so high for each one. They really need

Just add your Google account to Pidgin and do all your chats through that app