
By that logic there’s no point in telling any stories ever, because we know they all eventually end in the entropic heat death of the universe.  

There seems to be a mild kerfluffle in the greys that suggests that it is unfair to protect the seeding of a woman who becomes pregnant and misses time while a man faces no consequences for their off-court activities. Therefore, in the spirit of inclusion and fairness, I recommend the following rule change:

No consequences for the man involved. But you probably know that, you’re just a troll and an a-hole.

For sure. Where does he get off having some fun at the expense of this totally legitimate, well thought-through movement?

... But this isn’t armed robbery ...

Now playing

Wherever this music is playing, it is safe.

I immediately thought of the titular room from Silent Hill 4: The Room. The creeping realization that it wasn’t safe about halfway through is a beloved, anxiety-inducing memory of mine.

The zipper merge is the Esperanto of the highway code.

Deadpool’s Guide to Super Villains from Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. For the heroically inclined who need a quick exposition on who they’re fighting, this guide provides enough info to get their life’s story and power set without having to Google it mid-fight.

Now playing

I want tickets to the Dracula puppet musical from Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

I’m clamouring for the complete, unabridged version of The Lusty Argonian Maid, with foreword by Neil Gaiman.

Look, if you really want to drain the swamp, sometimes you have to give a prominent cabinet role to the wife of the Senate Majority Leader and let her exploit the office for her own personal gain.

The best name won. Thanks for the etymology!

Now playing

I’m actually extremely disappointed in the lack of love for Neil Cicierega’s mash-up masterpiece from last year, ‘Mouth Moods.’ It’s a collection of brilliant song, television, film, video game, commercial, and other assorted clips all placed in a blender and turned into a fine, cohesive paste of genius.

Not even a mention of Neil Cicierega?

You heard it here first, folks: Puerto Ricans have developed technology to create hurricanes, but apparently haven’t yet figured out how to steer the hurricanes away from Puerto Rico itself. 

I hope everyone gets an armband

never to many episodes of b5

I love the Sklars.