
CEO pay is about rich people protecting their own, because their pay is set by other rich people. Once you’re in the club, you can only fail upward.

Not a rich person, but I love real truffles and almost every grade of caviar from dirt cheap to sold-a-kidney, but I can see how it’s not everyone’s bowl of soup. That hundred dollar Conspicuous Consumption Meatball can go fuck itself though, if for no other reason* than it’s insulting to the integrity of the

As far as ‘made to be sold based on dollar value’ items go that’s not too bad. No edible gold, no topping it with something inedible of value like a charm or a diamond or that and claiming it as the price of the item.

Lucky bastard. I wish I hated truffles. I’m addicted to them.

No, encouraging the breaking of employment laws and creating a hostile workspace is why he was fired. He could no longer do his job without causing problems.

I’m glad your girlfriend is having a good experience teaching at a charter school. but generally speaking, the pay is not better in religious or charter schools, and both, as demonstrated by the article, hire teachers as “at will” employees.

Huh? Oh, you guys are talking about Adam Quardero.

It shouldn’t be necessary, though. For one, a *case* should have no impact on the *screen* anyway. For another, devices that are this expensive, and built to look this nice, shouldn’t need a case that instantly renders all of that irrelevant. They should be built to survive normal use.

Then don’t run. There seems to be a very simple solution to your concern.

I loved Seeso. Hidden America with Jonah Ray was a goddamn delight. :’(

Cameron and Rhea’s show on the now defunct Seeso was great too. Actually, there was a lot of great stuff on Seeso while it lasted.

You should have included the final announcement regarding the switch to Kinja wherein Sean O’Neil, the other editor and the (especially) Kinja techs became increasingly belligerent and dismissive of the commenters’ concerns. With the Kinja techs eventually admitting that user experience isn’t their concern and that it

Kinja didn’t happen in 2017.

None of it makes sense. Even if you care about wins, it doesn’t add up. Jim Kaat and Tommy John were much better pitchers.

Ozzie Smith is the best defensive shortstop ever. Vizquel probably isn’t top 5.

Alan Trammell was basically Barry Larkin (or, to be more provocative, Derek Jeter). It’s not even a marginal call and he raises the standards of the Hall.

Trammell is a good choice. He’s a complicated one as a lot of his case rests on defense and that’s probably the least clear of the metrics that go into whichever version of WAR you use but he’s a good choice all the same.

I see people say this over and over, and the only thing I can say is “so?”.

Guys on each team taken off the field for head injuries, one guy potentially paralyzed, countless flags on penalties the average viewer can’t see, more commercials than football...

I’m higher up, and honestly I couldn’t care less about a reduction in my tax bill. Fix public education and health care, then get to the taxes. I’d rather pay more if it leads to centralized health care and better education/college loan systems.