
Albert - I have gotten a lot of joy out of your work on this site. Your HitchBot takedown is to this day one of my favorite things I have ever read on the Internet, and your writing is a big part of how I got to be a passionate NBA fan. This piece is all true, and good, and like all of your work, well-written.

Did your university have football? Because if so, then that’s your problem. It’s not Title IX and the women’s programs that cause men’s sports to get cut. It’s football. Your beef is with football and with how athletic administrators divide up their budgets. Since the passage of Title IX, men’s total participation

When asked for the whereabouts of all these added female athletes an FAU spokesman replied, “Who? Who?”

Understandable. Most of the women on my roster in college were made up, too.

The animal is fine. It’ll wake up tomorrow and it’ll be like this never happened.

To be fair, if you hire a guy named “Strom” and he doesn’t turn out to be a segregationist, you’d feel cheated too.

You’d think with all of the unspoken rules in baseball, surely one would be ‘you should have your corporate headquarters in the municipality that you’ve cheated out of resources for years and years.’

Now playing

So one day, this old lady calls me—by the way, I met her later, very good looking for her age, not a pound overweight, very beautiful—she tells me the portions are too small. And I tell her, “That’s a terrible shame. That’s really a shame. I know Dave Thomas. I play racquetball with him all the time. He cheats all the

I suppose you want to take my baby’s gun away too.

Thoughts and prayers

We’re gonna be here all week if we keep reporting every time Francesa becomes disoriented.

Nice article you have there.

To be fair, those stigmata wounds in his hands open easily.

What!? After a free government ride for four years at a military university you have to serve 2 years in the ACTUAL military??? If you don’t want to serve, go to one of the hundred plus other schools.

Either that, or I’m a cytopathologist who recognizes that cutting funding to Planned Parenthood has consequences beyond fewer abortions.

Allow me a brief moment of soapboxing-

Yes, unions vs. transgender bathroom rights, the classic “either-or” choice.

I’m not sure how desperate I’d have to be to talk to a woman about the Browns.

The best way to “use sports to talk” to someone is the following technique, since it shows your vast knowledge of baseball, one of the sportiest of sports. Feel free to explain what you’re doing each step of the way.

“A man” is setting yours sights pretty high, Emma. Have you considered a “journeyman?”