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    Good article, but I’m wondering why you didn’t address the reasons why the unions have failed. It seems to me there are several reasons

    Ms. Paoletta,

    Strange. I did not see the usual second side of the argument that nearly always follows Gizmodo complainalism. Do you think in this case — self-proclaimed liberal buying legacy super-liberal paper — you might have provided SOME context as to why he might’ve had to counter the union as he did? Nothing. Rather, we get

    ... and the reason for that is that you have a reasoned counter to the argument or just that I happen to disagree with you?

    Ms. Brown,

    Ms. Paoletta,

    Ms. Paoletta,

    Mr. Paoletta,

    Perhaps we could say it differently.

    I checked, and you’re are right. I was raised on both myths. I’m sorry.

    Okay, now that is a good post!

    1. Starting a sentence with “And” is not considered grammatically correct.

    Kermit, I think you may have hit upon one of the main reasons Trump voters cast their vote as they did. For some time now the liberal elite in the media and government have nurtured — and felt casually at home with — the idea that nearly half of America is backward, in need of being “progressed”, ignorant, and

    Matt, Have you considered for a moment that your line ...