Presumably the US also has more police and law enforcement agencies to reflect their population. If the Chinese police have time to arrest people making porn and erotic fanfic I’m sure the US police could do this.
Presumably the US also has more police and law enforcement agencies to reflect their population. If the Chinese police have time to arrest people making porn and erotic fanfic I’m sure the US police could do this.
Well if the Danish can put together a case file as intricate as this I fail to understand why we can’t.
Are you honestly kidding?! They do worse stuff than this all the time. The most public of their evilness is prob ably what they did to Paulette Cooper.
1. HW’s story is an open secret.
At least people will acknowledge what Aziz did was wrong. Jerry Seinfeld, known as a pedophile scumbag to anyone with google seems to skate by with no one giving a shit. Wonder what the difference is? Hmmm....
I think it’s sweet that you believe they do any of their own decorating work..
I don’t really l care about Seal or his thoughts, but I don’t want Oprah to run for president.
In short, I am a member of the Satanic Church, and I am a casual dressing Special Education teacher who doesn’t own a pentagram and listens to The Mamas and the Papas, and as well, you can fuck yourself.
The Satanic Church and the Satanic Temple are two very distinct entities with wholly different philosophies, and are not interchangeable. This story is about the Satanic Temple.
Oh cool, let’s make fun of Greaves’ appearance. That’s not at all asshole-ish behaviour.
I don’t like that they are “in curious company: nightmare right-wing troll trio Roger Stone, Milo Yiannopoulos and Chuck C. Johnson” per this article.
Meanwhile, his ex, a black woman with little power, just falls by the wayside. Forget her, right? Fuck this piece of garbage.
Corey Feldman is a massive douche bag.
That’s some pretty good rationalizing.
“a black artist who is troubled” is a very mild way to put it. I get that XXXtentacion is being exploited but, uh, that sentence seems to gloss over some pretty horrifying allegations.
“Yeah,” said Lohan. “I was living in L.A.”
“It is very sad for me that they didn’t like it and I’m finding that very difficult to accept.”
Rogen is also happily married and made a very moving speech about Alzheimers disease to the congress. His wife’s mother has early onset Alzheimers. He just seems to be more of a mench than Franco and Apatow, he seems to have grown up, whereas they haven’t