
If they have a huge royal wedding I hope they DON”T invite trump and he has a twitter tantrum about it and sulks for days, delicious!

HURRY UP AND GET MARRIED, YOU CRAZY KIDS!!! I need a royal wedding to look forward to in this horrible world! Won’t you people think of ME and MY needs?!

I am also extremely confused. Is it not the case that kids get presents from their parents AND Santa?? We were not rich, most of the time lower middle class, but we got gifts from both. Friends and I have also talked about whether “Santa” wrapped gifts — in my house, he did. In my husband’s, he didn’t, which is how

When I was a kid, I got presents from mom and dad on Christmas Eve, and then opened “Santa’s” gifts on Christmas morning. Isn’t this common among families?

I thought it would be inherently implied that I meant the Heimlich maneuver being used in the case of a choking victim. Perhaps I was mistaken in assuming it was commonly well known among the general population of which is to be used in what situation.

And it means Trump grabbed women, peeped in on underage contestants in beauty pageants, and raped his wife as Ivana has claimed. Yet you voted him in as president.

Maybe i’m alone in this but MacFarlane always comes across a little a sexual to me?

I do not like the guy’s creative output, at all, but I would be extremely surprised if he turns out to be a harasser or abuser.

The woman has botoxed her face out of the ability to express a normal emotion.

Seth MacFarlane has surprisingly great pipes. He’s released jazz standards albums and on the movie “Sing” his character is obnoxious but gives an outstanding rendition of “My Way”. What I’m saying is, he won’t be the worst voice on that album *cough*Gwencan’tsing*cough. 

Seriously. She basically just revealed either: 1) what exactly it took for her to quickly abandon the morals she spent her entire career enforcing, or 2) that she never had those morals to begin with and was always just going where the money/fame was. Not a good look either way.

Her reason doesn’t make it any better. It makes her look worse.


He still didn’t say “I’m sorry” though so it’s a little hollow IMO.

Um what makes you think people don’t understand that? It’s pretty clear from the description what happened. A jury found them negligent for a reason; obviously most people are pseudo excited because Wal-Mart has abysmal practices and it’s just a nice little F U to them.

The point is there shouldn’t have been a pallet in the store. They’re not store displays.Those things are used to make it easier to move items around using machinery during their transport, and can have splintered pieces, protruding nails and bolts.They can be coming apart and have other flaws that wouldn’t be a

So after paying his medial bill he’ll have $100?

It’s like when you accidentally stick your toothbrush into the back of your throat while brushing your teeth and then you get that awful hiccup/heave thing.

Daddy likey?