
I was at the arena on Thursday for a concert and have been plenty of other times - the security is fairly reasonable (as in bag checks on entry) but the doors are all opened up at the end to allow people to get out and I don’t think any security is in place then, so it’s entirely possible someone gained access towards

We have all that (been dealing with terrorism for much longer than the US). As liz.lemonade says, it was outside the security perimeter, and “well” timed.

My brother in law’s sister is yet to be accounted for (their father is also a paramedic currently attending the scene) we’re shitting bricks right now. If it *is* a terrorist attack, they’ve selected a gig that lots of children were likely to attend, and waited for the rush of people leaving to peak. That’s some

Friendly reminder that “Locomotive Jones” is a well-known racist troll. Do not engage, do not ungrey, thanks.

“Huh, I never heard of that one.”

I can’t recall one actually happening in recent history

Also, some of the local wildlife experts are basically saying not that, like, this sea lion was warning people off his turf, or being aggressive: he most likely thought the girl’s dress was food. People, unfortunately, tend to feed them. A big hunk of white stuff can look like any number of edible things, and he was

Do keep in mind that this is in BC. though - here we’re in contact with wild animals more often than most folks probably are. You expect sea lions to hang out, you expect coyotes to saunter through your yard, you aren’t astounded if you have a bear who occasionally knocks on your back door. People who have grown up

Song is catchy but Nicki is just making it worse. Remy laid her out; it’s over. I hate it when the dead don’t stay dead.

It’s not a matter of can or can’t. As a gay man, I don’t want my penis within danger zone distance of a vagina, and I don’t know a gay man who does.

...but there was something so joyful and alive to me in Soundgarden’s music despite the dark lyrics.

Young and first hearing Soundgarden on Pump Up the Volume - hearing such angry and aggressive and (in my young mind) counter-cultural and “dangerous” music on the soundtrack - wanting to be edgy so adding soundgarden to mixed tapes, then falling in love with Badmotorfinger (tape and CD), then being BLOWN AWAY by

Personally, I was never bothered by the fact that she was in prison, and I wasn’t particularly swayed by the argument that her penalty was unduly harsh. She was on active duty and she willfully endangered the lives of her fellow men and women in uniform. That’s a big deal, no matter how much people wish to minimize it

check up on any police reports of stolen pick-a-nick baskets.

That’s a good bear. But some bear should tell him that he’s a black bear, not a brownie bear.

We haven’t reached that level yet, but I am hoping. We’re finally at the point where I can go on the deck with one of them, he doesn’t fly away.
He lands on the deck railing and then will scoot over until he can see if I am in the apartment, and then start yelling for food. Normally any meat leftovers, but they will

Seriously my favorite headline ever.

Nice earrings. Bear’s like, “Oooo I’m fancy!”

“Hey, just me, how ya doin’ today. Listen, can I borrow a pair of needle-nose pliers or something to take these fucking tags off my ears?”

Bear even got fancied up for some brownies with those fine yellow earrings.