An “arranged marriage” is an unwilling but pressured or even forced union -often through threats of varying levels and/or blackmail. Deal with it.
An “arranged marriage” is an unwilling but pressured or even forced union -often through threats of varying levels and/or blackmail. Deal with it.
No, arranged marriages are fucking weird, patriarchal bullshit. Glad it’s worked out ok for your family, but they’re really not something to be defended.
Did you mean to reply to somebody else? Did TheBestUEverHad edit the comment so it reads differently now than what you originally read? Or would you please mind explaining in what way that comment errs? Because I see absolutely nothing wrong with the comment that may very well be 100% factual (aside from the Prince…
Here on in, what percentage of her meals will have spit in them?
Indeed, Schutz’s intention is largely meaningless in the face of the work. Schutz treats her source as simply an object; as a photograph rather than a record of a teenager murdered because he was black.
Fleabag was so well done it doesn’t need a second season. It was a perfect little masterpiece. I’m excited for more but hesitant about dragging it out. Everything felt resolved for me, even if things weren’t technically resolved.
My Nana has fair skin, hazel eyes, and was born blonde (kinky but blonde) and she is Black. Her first husband had fair skin and straight hair and he was Black. I don’t claim to know what Paris’ genetic makeup is but you can’t just list arbitrary physical features that you think excludes someone from being Black.
Thank you for telling a bi-racial kid what they can/can’t identify themselves as.
Came to say this. Bi-racial kids are considered never black or white enough to many people. Saying she’s not black is just idiotic considering who her father is.
Every time some one has to say this when an article about his kids is posted and I just cringe. I cannot imagine the kind of balls it takes for her and her brother to confirm their identity when it is sure to set off numerous people sharing their suspicions and essentially denying them the ability to solidify their…
I’m not going to question her heritage sooooo yeah, as far as I’m concerned Michael is her father unless she says otherwise, and I’m fine with her claiming her piece of that.
There are “white leaves” in every African American’s family tree because of that whole slavery thing. Even within a single family, we often have different shades.
I think pretending you’re black because being a white person from Montana is boring is a lot different than identifying as black as a result of being raised by a black family who you believe to be biologically related to you.
You’ve seen Joe Jackson, right? Guess what color his eyes are.
Paris J is like a little dove who fans the flames of the raging internal fire of my heart that is protective mothering. The dove in her awakens the grizzly in me.
You know that Hispanic people can be blonde haired and blue eyed, right? Like, a lot of Hispanic people are.
I can’t believe you didn’t just say ‘more Colin Hanks less Chet Haze’ or whatever his alt name is.
Wtf? Passing as white doesn’t mean she needs to exclude her biracial, black-American heritage.
They should have asked him for his SAG card in return.