
You know what we needed? None of the Engineer backstory nonsense. Alien was at its best when it was a mysterious infestation that took out some more powerful alien ship and one person (then three people and a robot) barely survived the encounter. There’s a terror in a mystery that just wants to kill you that is far

I have some ideas:

Even so, I’m pretty sure because “Materials” is part of a title, that makes it a proper noun, and the correct spelling would be His Dark Materials’s.

Hey, thanks for writing this, Charles. You nailed it. 


I read an article about Michael Phelps once that described the many ways his physiology and biochemistry is different from the average schlub’s, making him a swimming machine. Never did the article suggest that this was a negative thing that should be suppressed, the tone of the article was more "wow, this is super

How is noone here talking about CAPPY USING MJOLNIR!?!? That was, singlehandedly the best part of the entire movie. And this was a damn good one.

To be clear, the way that the sentence is constructed it’s saying that Lobo is one of the most popular anti-heroes in DC comics. As I can’t really think of a ton of anti-heroes in DC comics, let alone super popular ones, it’s probably reasonable to say that Lobo is one of the most popular.

Welcome to Earth, kid

Y’all gotta chill out.

And yet, that Tweet where Trump is demagogueing against a sitting congresswoman is still up. 

> On that point. Interstellar portrayed relativity really well as well as the black hole, but the plot and story was shit

I always though Ult. Cap was interesting by making Steve truly a man out of time

Translation: “Hi, I’m a dude and since the same levels of societal expectations on appearance that fall upon women don’t fall upon me, I don’t care and think it’s dumb to talk about.”

Makes sense. In a film run by dudes she perhaps fell unconsciously into her socially dictated gender role, whereas on a film run by a woman she felt no such obligation. Though now I’m curious to how her costume is going to fit her. Will she be “Synder-ized?” So named for the difference between the Amazons under Synder

“Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you Captain America: The First Avenger sucks, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say, ‘No, *you* suck.’”

Now playing

Who’s strong and brave, here to save the American waaaaay...

Ed Brubaker actually did a really great rebuttal on Ultimate Cap’s nonsensical hatred of France.