So, wait. Some of the comments here don't sit well with me.
So, wait. Some of the comments here don't sit well with me.
So, wait. Some of the comments here don't sit well with me.
And when those in authority act childish and whiny over something that is silly to begin with, they lose the respect of the children and parents. Why yes, I have taught my children to question authority when it makes no sense, why do you ask?
I live with a 6th grader too. He said it a few times and then got tired of it. This is a complete over reaction by the school administration, and doesn't teach the children anything other than "I am the boss of you while you are here and even if it is stupid and based on nothing I will control your actions." This kind…
And there's a thigh gap so big you could walk through it.
Mike's Hard Lemonade has a creepy fixation on much, much younger women.
It pisses me off to an infinite degree that Jon Stewart is the one talking about this and not the actual "legitimate" news. What in the hell am I suppose to do next month if SNAP isn't available? Go to a food bank? Oh you mean the things in my state that had their budget decreased by 66%? Get a better job? That…
Does this biologist know how sex works? Do they know how space works? Friction exists in space. It's the gravity assist that is missing. I support the Three Dolphin arrangement for sexy times in space.
You say "Actually" as though the statements that follow are fact rather than opinions.
Aren't John Stamos and yogurt kind of the same thing? They are both Greek things I could eat with a spoon. Or how about: They are both Greek things I could put into my vagina. Just kidding! I wouldn't put John Stamos in my vagina.
Don't take this the wrong way, everyone, but honestly it's lamezo that they ruined the swastika. By itself it was an attractive symbol with cultural significance of its own. Couldn't they have just written "Go Nazis" in blue on a neon green background like in ugly 90s DIY websites so that post WWII we'd all be like,…
well that's just wrong, we should teach the controversy. as an aspiring health educator, i teach my students both the sperm and egg theory as well as the stork theory of reproduction. my good friend who wants to be a chemistry teacher also teaches alchemy as an alternate theory and lets the students decide.
yeah. I'm not going to say that testosterone has zero influence on behavior.... but not to this extent. Men and menstruating women both have an estrogen to testosterone ratio of about 1:1 (non-menstruating women typically have a ratio of about 400:1). If we say testosterone leads to this sort of behavior, then…
Exactly. The use of 'mutilation' here is complete BS. It's not even remotely comparable to female circumcision. Circumcision is mutilation the same way that getting your ears pierced, getting a nose job, or breast augmentation is 'mutilation'. It's a minor surgical procedure that has no significant impact on function.
Him being creepshotted by Jez is way worse, IMO, than the fact that I can see his package. NEWSFLASH: HUMANS HAVE GENITALIA!!!!11!1!!