
So it’s clear to me that you stopped liking movies in 1984; the rest of us didn’t. Even if you do think that these performances are great (and I do) it’s nonsensical to claim that these performances are the performances “of today,” the way that Charlize Theron’s Furiosa is “of today”. Just because a piece is a classic

Is there something wrong with Avenger Land?

It’s been two decades since Ripley was in a film. It’s been three decades since she was in a film comparable to Fury Road. The first half of your counterpoint is nonsense, which totally undermines your opinion on Max’s merits.

Yeah, but there’s definitely an I in director. And one in editor too.

I never realized he wrote Home Alone, but now that I know, that joke from Dogma makes a lot more sense.

The bit about needing to explain what rape is to an 8-year-old because other people think Back to the Future is more wholesome because it lacks curse words is why.

No, but I’d be more likely to talk about Margaret Sixel’s editing over George Miller’s direction.

Also, anyone who says they wouldn’t watch Mad Max: Mad Maude is a f*cking liar.

This is the correct take.

We did not deserve to have Fury Road be as good as it is, and I attribute most of it to Charlize.

For Indiana Jones to work properly, it really needs to be set in the thirties and forties. Otherwise the whole edifice falls apart. So it definitely needs to be a reboot and/or set contemporaneously with the original trilogy. Which could mean slapping some CGI Harrison Ford on somebody (a la Carrie Fisher in Rogue One)

Your version would work, but Benson’s version also reads fine to me.

Doesn’t he play exactly this kind of person in Bamboozled?

One of the bureaucrats calls it Saturn; I always assumed that was metaphorical

Possibly! It very much depends on which version you like best.

If it was gonna be one long story, it needed a denser plot. Or more call-back jokes.

Well Nimue is traditionally considered to have used her sexual wiles to steal all of Merlin’s secrets and then trap him in a tree. So you can see why Miller might be interested in writing about her.

94% of women who get an abortion identify as straight or heterosexual. 4% of women who get abortions identify as bisexual and fewer than 1% as lesbians.


I think it’s more likely that the same thing that made them move Archer to FXX and cancel Cassius and Clay before it ever aired—adult cartoons are a hard sell to higher ups.