
Well, if a lawyer used undue influence over an elderly woman who happens to be a beloved American icon and whose work rakes in millions, and that lawyer is able after that icon’s death to skim off a bunch of that money, I have a problem with that.

The strong possibility of death adds flavor.

Now that I think about it, going to a Gotham City Food Truck Festival could be lots of fun.

I mean, that’s clearly a frozen food truck right there next to those tables.

I mean, Chris Pine is RIGHT THERE.

A trailer is really about a hypothetical film, not the actual film you end up seeing. If it were really about the actual film, it would just be the film.

It shouldn’t be Batgirl’s responsibility to completely rehabilitate the DCEU

Boo and fie on this nonsense. The problem with DC films barring WW is that the inner conflicts of the characters have been stupid, not that DC characters aren’t cinematic. The success of WW and previous versions of Batman in the 21st century also just demonstrates that Millar is wrong.

Damore was fired for sexual harassment—not simply for publishing his viewpoint. These employees seemed to have been fired without harassing anybody, even as they were defending the principles that Google is supposedly fighting for.

That can not be good for your bones. My wrist hurts just watching the gif.

Wait, IS Wakanda in the UN in 1992?

You’ve got it exactly backwards. These people have always existed and now the internet brings them into contact with impressionable idiots. Our best response is rooting it out with mockery.

I don’t have the slightest idea what’s going on in Milk Wars, but I’ve read the Bats and Wondy issues (Supes is on back order) and they are crazy awesome. I really loved that it’s Happiness that finally breaks Wonder Woman out of her domestic prison—it’s an incredibly satisfying bit of feminist narrative to point out

So I remember the first film being 60% Mr Incredible’s midlife crisis. Based on this trailer, I wager 500 quatloos that the sequel is at least 65% Mr Incredible’s midlife crisis WITH KIDS!

Well, it used to be required to fast during Lent, along with penance, prayer, and a whole host of other things that we no longer do. It was much more like Ramadan than it is now—the idea is that you are meant to be turning away from the physical world and toward the spiritual on the run-up to Easter.

Well, I think in the book, Wonka is more this strange and mysterious figure that you never really get to know, but that’s because the story is told from Charlie’s perspective. That’s not really possible to do in film, so it’s probably just a function of changing the genre and Dahl didn’t like it.

Good that he changed it! But it’s not something we should forget about when we think about his work.

I don’t understand why you brought up Coraline in a discussion about Roald Dahl and Willy Wonka. Like, at all.