
I mean, that’s a fine reason. And it definitely felt good to have a space film be fun. But it’s not enough to put it in the top ten, or even (for me) particularly high when ranking MCU. It’s somewhere in the middle with Ragnarok.

Every major character in that movie has exactly the same motivation—avenging the loss of a loved one. Tony and Steve, obviously, but also Spidey, T’Challa, Natasha, Wanda, Bucky, Sharon... That’s in addition to the entire motivation of the film being about the human loss that the Avengers have caused or allowed to

I don’t really have any, aside from some of the tween-humor. But I also don’t think of it as particularly special. What makes it stand out to you?

You’re the second person to bring up Guardians, and I just do not see it.

I mean, ok. But, like...why? It was lots of fun. It made me grin like a jackass. But what makes it a “good” movie to you?

See, I’d put Civil War over Winter Soldier easy. But I’m honestly surprised that Homecoming isn’t up there (though I can’t see which film it would replace). It’s probably a function of putting superhero films up against horror, sci-fi, and fantasy.

I can’t think of any films that were obviously missed out (though my head tilted a little since there are no MCU films at all, and that’s a large number of movies). How many films were on the initial list?

I would have flipped a desk.

Because some idiots always complain that it doesn’t say “genre film” in the title?

I was about to be sarcastic about this comment, but instead I have a question. Have you honestly never been expected to have an opinion about something your friend made? Nobody asked for a comment on their cake, blanket, or decor?

That Mystery, Incorporated clip just demonstrates how perfect that series was. I can’t believe they cancelled it for this Be Cool nonsense.

Am I insane, or are the lights on his forehead out of alignment?

And that’s still a choice that you’ve made. Just like you chose to come to a blog where movies are discussed and expected everyone to avoid talking about something for your personal convenience. It’s narcissistic and annoying.

You’d have to assume film directors are only interested in making money and don’t care about movies. Therefore, they have no interest in how you get their movie. If you pay for it, but it comes in black and white, silent, and the size of a postage stamp, they’d not care at all. Which is against human nature. Directors

I never noticed a loud soundtrack. Maybe that’s just your movie theater? I remember lots of silence.

I’m going to say confidently that 2049 was meant to be seen in theaters and watching it in a living room is necessarily a lesser experience.

Look, I could care less about what a director wants or not. But people don’t get to complain about spoilers ruining the director’s vision and at the same time wait to watch the film on blu-ray in their living room.

Spoiler Alert: if you didn’t see this film in theaters, you’re not seeing it the way the director intended anyway.