
Subtext is not “intentional by definition.” Wherever you got from, it’s not correct. Subtext is any meaning of a work not explicitly announced by the characters or author, but is implicit to the work. That can be intentional, as with Alien’s implicit sexualized horror, or unintentional, as with Dracula’s vampires

If Marvel was smart when they sold the rights, they would have stipulated the right to first refusal in a resale. Given how feckless they were when they sold them, however...

German actually has three different gender cases: male, female, and neuter.

Is my point! Blade Runner pales in comparison to Alien, except in Ridley’s mind.

You know what, you’re right. I definitely misread that article.

Right? Also, zero people “are LGBT”. No admittedly queer person refers to themselves as an acronym.

Except that “bug hunts” is a Cameron thing.

I mean, we could probably find exhibits B-X if we want to. So we should!

No, the studio fucked with it for twenty years and then Scott made his “definitive-Deckard-is-totally-a-Replicant” version. But I’m more talking about the ways that he’s combined the two universes in his head and is far more interested in David, his new AI plaything, than in the xenomorph.

I mean you’re welcome to your opinion, no matter how fundamentally bad it is. :)

Uh, no, subtext need not be intentional at all. With queerness, it’s quite often entirely the unintentional by-product of having only straight people make a movie. The fact that the cast picked up on the underlying structure of the film—Cap is torn between his loyalty to his two male best friends—and connected it to

Ridley Scott has two brilliant sci-fi children in Alien and Blade Runner, but for reasons I cannot understand, he’s always favored the AI film over the xenomorph. And given his track record, it’s become increasingly clear that Alien was more about a perfect alchemy of talent rather than his specific vision. I wish

You seem unclear on what “subtext” is.

It gets incredibly wearing to have to mine subtext for stories about people like me. Civil War, which is my favorite Marvel film, has it in spades: Steve is in a massive fight with his new boyfriend Tony over his ex-boyfriend Bucky. The cast even apparently made those jokes while filming. So of course Marvel has to

It’s nice! Not for 10 grand, but I could definitely hang it up next to my Britney poster and feel like it brought the room together.

Yes, everything before 1776 was perfectly, miraculously clean. There was never any such thing as candles soot, oil smoke, and plain old dirt until the Industrial Revolution started.

You’re probably right. And I wouldn’t be surprised if a “Wolverine vs Hulk” movie was exciting enough that even the average person on the street started endorsing the sale anyway, monopoly be damned.

If this purchase is approved without Disney having to sell something off, it’ll be a testament to how low anti-trust sentiment has fallen in this country.

I’m gonna have to see it for Wonder Woman, but I’ll definitely skip opening weekend.