I’d totally watch a show where you solved auto-related mysteries. Call it Encyclopedia Brown Manual Wagon.
I’d totally watch a show where you solved auto-related mysteries. Call it Encyclopedia Brown Manual Wagon.
I’m old enough to remember when “nuggs” referred to young, attractive women.
I’ve seen AP Chem students and college engineering and physics majors do this same dumb kind of shit. Some people just don’t think carefully before they act and need to get bit hard by reality before they truly understand the concept of consequences.
He could be right, I mean by many accounts America was a pretty nice place before the Europeans showed up.
Betts is third behind Mets Mookie Wilson and Pearl Jam’s Mookie Blaylock
They were unapologetically American. Brash and confident. They came in as the favorite and they didn’t try to downplay that fact with an “Aww shucks we’re just happy to be here and we’re gonna try real hard.” attitude. They owned that and then danced on the graves of anybody who dared doubt them. And it was fucking…
Hmmm... wooden, stiff, emotionless, empty stare. Seems like a good likeness of Melania to me.
Lavelle’s goal is one of the best, most beautiful goals I’ve ever seen. Absolutely amazing.
Say what you will, but Happy Gilmore has a record too. Only guy to ever take his skate off and try to stab a guy. A record is a record.
They don’t. They think “He’s having to push back against all these savages, that’s why he looks unhinged! I look like that all the time, especially when my wife makes me beat her.”.
Chuck E. Cheese: Where a kid can be a kid, and his adult relatives can get drunk and fight.
Man, these guys really won’t defend anything.
Pete Tongs
DJ BBQbert
I’m more of a ‘Cones of Dunshire’ guy myself, but this is still pretty cool.
They really should have just Sherman’d everything below the Mason-Dixon.
You let a dog dressed like that into your car!? Good to know the jeep passes the dog test and it seems nice, just poor fashion sense....
today I learned that the only thing that could make cars driving in circles remotely interesting isn’t allowed.