butterfinger me to sleep

K, so, if black people are naturally inferior and are gonna fuck it up no matter what they do, then why put in any effort to create obstacles or outright sabotage them? If you don’t consider someone to be your competition then why do you feel the need to hinder their progress?

Kanye saw that he still had black folks willing to associate with him and went; hold my beer, let me fix that

I don’t think Kanye considers himself part of any larger group. To do that, he’d need empathy and the ability for abstract thought.

Dirty White Boys

You were here for 400 years?” He said you, not us. That motherfucker’s gone full Trumpchurian Candidate.

Hey, friendly reminder.

Very good. Well done.

Yo but dude seriously trip on this: every word is made up.

...how is that a “degrading act to women everywhere?” If a woman wants to engage in that behavior, isn’t that her right? Who are you to say that disqualifies her from being a feminist?

“Morning TV is obviously new to me and I’m figuring it out as we go…I think any show needs about a year to just find its footing.”


You used to be able to fire cops for shoplifting? You can’t even fire them today for murder.

Sue, Sue, SUE, SUE, SUE these motherfuckers. I want those women to OWN that golf club.

Melania chose this. My sympathy is near nill, Boy Gorge was exactly what was written on the tin, and I’m sure language was no barrier in understanding what that meant. So while she might be a decent person I’m sure that her reasons for marrying the turd had nothing to do with decency.

I certainly hope this woman guides him to the nearest curb via steel-toed boot and leaves him there.

Yeah, some 3 year olds are traumatized by divorce alone, this kid who just shot pregnant mama and is now in CPS separated from only caregivers they have ever had will be A-Ok according to you. Whew!

Another traumatized child thanks to dad’s need for a second dick. I still think about the 9 YO who shot dead her gun instructor with an Uzi (if that is not spelled right, who cares?) all because her parents probably wanted cool Facebook photos of their daughter. Guns are stupid. Yes. All of them.

Yeah, but Hillary had an email server that was not very secure. CHECKMATE, libturds.

“...I might have to unleash the pain of the ancestors”

So look, he found the right person on the right day, because let me tell you, I would forgiven even the right person on the wrong day reacting a bit more....aggressively than this, if you know what I mean.