
I think they'll get back together. I didn't before but after last week, I'm pretty sure they're setting up a reunion. Not sure it'll happen this season though but the set-up is there. I hope they do. I've always enjoyed them together and last week reminded me how much.

Well, there's also the possibility that Vigilante is Pike, who was injured, and that might explain why he suddenly disappeared.

Oh for sure. Arrow could always be better. (I even have my issues with S1 and S2. I've actually had issues with every season tbh.)

Idk? But I do think it's weird to introduce a character and not reveal their identity in the same season. As usual, with the pacing of this show, they ran out of time.

lol you'd be right! I couldn't make it beyond the 2nd episode of LOT.

Again, I agree. But the show changes its stance on morality every season if the plot demands it. I just don't think you'll ever get that kind of complexity on Arrow. The writers aren't capable, imo.

I don't know about Nyssa being the big bad (although I'd always enjoy more of her in any capacity!) but just casting the right person for Ra's would've been ten times better.

Don't remind me of Ra's al Ghul. He was awful! I've never known such a miscast.

I get what you're saying, completely. But after what they went through last week, Felicity knows that Oliver thinks he's someone who enjoys killing so I saw her little pep talk as trying to encourage him away from that line of thinking. I saw it as supportive if nothing else.

The touching ban has been lifted! Yay! lol

Oliver usually has a case of the dumb dumbs every season for plot related reasons but this season he's been especially dense. It's pretty annoying. But yeah, I'm always here for Thea getting a chance to shine, especially as she's barely been in this season.

Interesting! That makes me think they changed their minds.

Was he? I thought it was just some stunt guy playing Vigilante until they decided who they wanted him to be, lol.

And look, I love Chasemetheus a lot, he's my fave, but yeah, I have to agree they've made him too powerful now. He's always ten steps ahead. He has time to set up little games and traps. He knows everything. It's starting to make me lol.

Because Chasemethus had to evil psycho grin at it at the end of the episode, of course!

You mean Vigilante? Apparently, SPOILER ALERT, they're not resolving that this season. I have a theory that he'll end up being Dinah's not-so-dead boyfriend.

I loved how Felicity was the one to inspire Oliver to wear the GA suit again. She's always been able to get through to him when no one else can so it was nice to see that connection again. Why yes, my Olicity heart has been revived after last week. Don't @ me!

I really object to cancer being used as a term for something you dislike. Just say you don't like the pairing. Don't bring a serious illness into it. That's triggering for a lot of people.

Yep. This is Arrow, lol. But I'm pretty sure Chase was already a lawyer by the time his vendetta against Oliver began.

Yeah. They saw their chemistry from the beginning and just went with it.