Agreed. I think they were trying to be slightly different but if anything Darhk being introduced later would have helped with a) the mystery and b) pacing.
Agreed. I think they were trying to be slightly different but if anything Darhk being introduced later would have helped with a) the mystery and b) pacing.
Half the episode's screen time? I'd like proof of that. Because someone calculated the screen times of all of the characters this season and Felicity has the same amount of screen time as Diggle and Thea. How does that work if her arcs take up all that screen time? Hmmm….? Not sure what you were trying to achieve with…
I can't stand Barry right now. I know he has a lot to learn and people make mistakes but nah. This is the second time he's gone back in time to save his mother and he knew the consequences and still he did it. Selfish idiot.
Happy Olicity was the best. Shame they had to taint it with that lie about his kid. What a waste. I wonder when show runners will realise that most people don't want to watch shitty relationship drama?
The keyword there is Reddit. Reddit is a cesspool of misogynistic assholes who are mad that their canon isn't being followed exactly - that they're not being fan serviced. Who gives a shit what they think? lol. It got so bad over there that DC Comics actually dissociated itself with the Arrow thread. It's gross. Pay…
If they don't make use of that conference table at least once…what was the point? lol
Pretty sure Arrow has always been a soap opera. You don't start off a show with a guy coming back from the dead and a love triangle and mentions of sister swapping without it being a soap. Even the show runners say that comics are soap operas for boys. Embrace it.
This wasn't the best episode but for me I don't mind so much because I can see Oliver's growth as a character, especially when you look back to who he was in the first and second seasons. Pilot Oliver would never have made a speech to the city or become Mayor. It was great to see that development.
I'm gonna be a bubble burster here but I don't think so. They went to great lengths to show how her death was going to stick, even on Legends. So I doubt it. But I suppose anything could happen!
Fingers crossed!
Agreed. One of many reasons why I didn't really enjoy Flash this year. Messy.
I can understand him reenlisting but I definitely wasn't expecting it. Agreed though, seems like a weird way to cope. But maybe that's how he handles things. Maybe he thinks he needs penance for taking Andy's life? I don't like him leaving Lyla and Sara though.
I don't know. I didn't really like Laurel most of the time anyway so I didn't really need to see this as an arc. But I do think they should have shown some of this stuff she supposedly did on screen. I don't think she was ever this saint they were speaking of in this episode, or really since she died. It was weird and…
No. It's like they cram too much plot in the last few episodes and forget important character developments. She's not a sociopath.
I think it's obvious Diggle will be back in episode 1 of season 5! But Lyla working with Oliver and Felicity over the summer months would be great. I love Lyla. More Lyla please!
I think even cutting it down to 20 episodes would be better.
Exactly my issue. Over at spoiler TV someone was complaining how she was terrible because she didn't give Cooper a mercy death and let him die by Damien's hands instead. Doesn't matter if that was the guy who kidnapped and attempted to murder her last season. Nope. Felicity was truly awful for not giving him a mercy…
That is a very fair point. I'm just generally done with him.
Haha, you and your Oliver/Lyla head canon! No! Lyla is for Diggle only. I refuse!
Does his punches have the power of kicks?