
It's great that you can acknowledge that. I've seen way too many people say she had no right to be upset because the child was none of her business. That's just so wrong. She was gonna marry Oliver. The child would have become her business through that marriage. How people don't get that is beyond me.

I actually understood Felicity's side. I'd be angry that the guy I planned to marry lied to me for months about having a kid. I don't care about the reasons, he still lied. She had every right to be furious. I thought the break-up and leaving the team was stupid but that's CW/Arrow writing for you.

You'd think, right? But I'm not so sure. Personally I wouldn't have had anything to do with him after he killed over 500 people in the Undertaking but that didn't stop Thea from going away with him. She's an idiot.

Of course! It's the worst coat ever. I'm relieved that Emily Bett Rickards apparently feels the same and asked them to burn it lol.

Exactly. But clearly you have a brain. Oliver…not so much.

No idea. Arrow logic, I guess?

Wrong. Felicity wasn't the one who released the nuke. Damien did. All Felicity did was change the GPS.

I think realism left the building a while ago lol.


Yep. The mistake is I think they're trying to sell him as some kind of misunderstood hero. Barrowman has said as much in interviews. He just needs to be bad. The team need to cut ties. Let's get back to basics with him.

Exactly. I liked it last season when Felicity was reluctantly agreeing to work with him but you could tell she hated his guts. She still gave him dirty looks and told him that if he stepped out of line she would let the world know he was still alive. Where are those threats now? I'm honestly thinking the team are a

I would say Thea needs to get a brain but looks like it might have been scrambled along the way.

Oh ok. I guess I didn't see the whole base getting destroyed by a single arrow. Yeah, it started the whole thing off but I just assumed the place was rigged!


Well, I think it's safe to say that Arrow has a smaller budget than Flash. But I agree, Oliver needs to get back to shooting some arrows.

Really? Didn't know that, even though I probably should because I doubt Renner is a master at archery lol.

Burn the coat! Burn the coat! Burn the coat!

She used Alex's phone to send a text before she was captured.

Whatever floats your boat, you know?

Damien would have absorbed the souls wherever he was. Like Claude said, he only had to be responsible for the deaths to receive their souls as power. Him releasing the nukes enabled him to do it.