
Doubtful but I wish.

Uh…I'm not American though. And I like to follow the action, not have to look away because I can't concentrate as the camera is all over the place.

I actually believe Thea more than Laurel, simply because she was trained by Malcolm for months before Laurel even did any sort of boxing or whatever. She's shorter too so I can see her being kind of quick with her kicks and punches. Laurel just looks like a Sara cosplayer

The thing is Felicity does confide in Diggle - she told him about Oliver's stupid plan to work with Damien, but we just don't see it onscreen. Apparently Diggle can only confide in Laurel now. Laaaaaame!

Exactly. I noticed it especially when she was on the roof standing between Oliver and Thea. She just doesn't look athletic at all. Further proof that Katie Cassidy was a complete miscast on this show. Should have stuck with Sara. Now she was a believable Black Canary.

She looks like she's taking a dump when she does the Canary Cry. I laugh every damn time. She's definitely the weakest link. Strange because I thought making her Black Canary would fix the problems with her but she's just even more irrelevant now.

Yeah, the only fight I liked was the Thea/Andy one. I get trying to be a bit different but the filming was way too distracting for me. I don't want to notice the filming or camera work when I'm watching a show.

The Andy/Thea fight was good but the filming of the fights was terrible. I can't get over the shaky camera, like it was from a cell phone or something and it was a documentary.

This. I can't buy Laurel as Black Canary. I think she looks like a Sara cosplayer every time she's on screen and her abilities being perfect just doesn't add up. I can still point out every time they use her stunt double too, which is A LOT.

Yeah, I'm getting annoyed at the lack of Felicity and Diggle scenes. But I suppose they've got to give Laurel some relevance somewhere.

I thought Laurel's jump was ridiculous seeing as that should have broken her legs and blown her knees through her head. LOL.

The filming and editing of this episode was really bad. Felt like I was watching Cloverfield again and I left that movie to go vomit from the camera work. Terribad.

She's unbelievable as Black Canary. It's as simple as that. She gets some great action shots and yet I don't believe for one minute that Laurel could ever do that. It brings me out of the moment because I always say 'Oh look, it's her stunt double!' And the conversation with Diggle could have been had with anyone.

Seriously. It's not even worth it. Aside from all the gross misogyny and sexism, I've never seen such a bunch of whiny babies in my life. AV Club is miles better.

I'm calling it that when they do another flash-forward to the grave, Donna will walk up and stand beside Oliver and then everyone will for sure think it's Felicity in the grave when really it's Quentin.

I loved the Olicity stuff but hated the Lance/Mama Smoak stuff. I do not want that to happen and it felt really shoehorned in at the end.

I kind of loved how they all smiled at them fighting over comms.

THIS. Laurel should never have become Black Canary. Sorry, I know it's part of the comics but sometimes you just have to let these things go. What did they say in this episode? What works on paper doesn't always work in real life? Exactly what went wrong with Laurel.

I understand people being annoyed at season 3 Olicity but it's been pretty damn great this season. I think they've integrated it really well.

They're building up to the chilli. Trust me.