

I’d rather not pay for something that has to be un-stanced...

ya it fucks it up.


Oh my god, when you live in a dorm room and share a bathroom with 4 other guys, Poo Pourri is the difference between tolerable and puking...

its YUGE

Saw this the other day and was curious about some detail. You’ve given me enough to hold me over.

Hmm. Wonder if my wife will let me trade in her Altima for this? She did always say she wanted to learn to drive a stick.

R.I.P brothers.

I stole a car... back.

My next door neighbor at my last place had a Lamborghini Aventador and he once left it running in the street with the driver’s door open. Gated community of about 10 houses so not really a risky thing to do I guess. Never been more tempted in my life. I actually have a picture of it from that day just to remind myself

The year is 1993 and my beloved Bronco/Motorcycle combo went missing. I know Justin took it while we were playing cars but I can’t prove it. The authorities wouldn’t help and offered to get me a new one, but they were no longer available. To this day it still pisses me off.

yo, homeboy got SNAKE on his license plate

I get a call at the office from my insurance company one day telling me that they’ve recovered my stolen car. I tell them they must be mistaken because I didn’t report a car stolen - then they begin to verify my information and it just starts crushing me as I realize it’s actually my car that was stolen the night

Seriously? If someone stands by a freeway exit ramp and gets hit by a car the problem is lax safety laws? At what point do people have to take responsibility for their own safety and their own lives?

Fuck off, not everything is related to racism or similar ills. Rally spectators and other racing fans are killed in some of the richest countries in the world on a regular basis; the fact that this occurred in what mostly resembles a third world country is coincidence. Grieve for the boy and his family, I will pray (I

No pain, no gain. Ask your helicopter mom to put you back in your safe bubble, Millennial.

That happened during qualifying in 1982.

One of the scariest accidents I’ve seen is Gordon Smiley’s. I don't remember what year it was, but he lost grip, corrected, and the car drove himself into the wall. Luckily he died instantly.

The SC was a mess because the Ford execs wanted IRS (Heavy) and its own platform, which means it came in over the Price per car they wanted and about 200 lbs too heavy. But the end result was fantastic. after 26 years my car is still quiet with few rattles and i doubt anything else from that time can really run away