
Get a taller roll bar

I’m torn on this one. I agree that it is stupid. However, if it get’s people who wouldn’t normally consider an EV to try one than it is a step in the right direction.

If governments force everyone to drive an EV, it will be a net reduction in the average person’s quality of life”

Minivan is underrated.

All fast and furious movies (I might give a pass to the first). They have made it seem like we car people are all a bunch of morons who just like “Loud thing go boom boom.” They are all so stupid and give car people a bad name.

You do make a good point about the ripple affects of a purchase like this, but couldn’t those same people be put to use building and work on something that is not a 1/2B$ toy?  

Manual gearbox and doesn’t look like the C8 corvette.

Holy god. Those fender flares are a little much.

Uhg. This thing is so busy. Just look at how many lines there are in the fender. It seems like modern car design is to throw as much crap at it as possible.

Uhg. That thing looks... ummmmmm... interesting to be kind.

If you are driving that much and haven’t figured out to get a fuel efficient car then you are a moron and Shouldn’t be in congress.

Can’t you sell an NFT you bought? You can’t make copies of it, but you can sell the one you bought. I don’t think you get the copyright to art you buy. If you buy a pollock you can’t just start selling reproductions of it.

My question is what does it take to produce this? I have never heard of the Sandbox before. Does it take virtual currency to by virtual goods to build a virtual ship? Does it actually take significant amounts of labor to build this thing? What is stopping someone from building a bigger yacht?

You lost all credibility the moment you included the lexus. It’s whole front end is an obnoxious grill, the embodiment of everything wrong with modern car design.

Wait for the 911. Have some patients. If you just can’t wait find a used 911.

NA Miata with lift and slight body modifications.

It all depends on failure rates. Several months ago I tried to help push someone’s old subaru, but he couldn’t get it into neutral. I had to leave and go to work before it was resolved.

Hard to beat the Ring. The Nordschleife is the longest permanent track in the world. Anyone can put any car on it. Just pay the toll. The GP track is a pretty solid circuit for more typical races.

I don’t think the current problem is the failover. I think the marketing as Full Self Driving is the issue. If someone doesn’t take over after all the alerts and then their car slowing then there is something up with the driver. Either something like the example Jason used (the driver had an actual medical issue, very

Rose colored glasses.