
Twenty-year rap sheet, gets 5 years, most of which will probably be suspended. Sounds about white in Southern California.

Storage space?  If you mean the grid they put up between the front and back seats to separate them from the folks they arrest / K9 in the back?

And now we know the term “savage” has officially been overused.

Black women are tired of being placeholders and “caretakers.” We chilled that  mammy bullshit a long time ago.  And why not appoint a white woman as a caretaker instead?

If you agree to this kind of arrangement, how smart can you be?

And he referred to the victims as “bitches.”

A decent person would not have shown up, but we know Meatball Ron is a lot of things but decent ain’t one.  Pastor, that explanation doesn’t pass the sniff test; sounds more like you tried the “c’mon, let’s come together” and it backfired.

You are so right.  Imagine having a life and world view so small that the only exercise you get involves jumping to conclusions and flying off the handle.  I love that Janet and Nicki ignored the mess at the bottom and elevated.

Biggest problem?  Amtrak doesn’t own the tracks.

I want to continue to see black performers supporting black performers.

Can’t wait for Rampaswampa to find out he’s not “one of them” no matter how hard he tries.  Whitesplaining doesn’t mean you’ve been whitewashed.

Is every black model considered a “supermodel” now?

The point is the kids have become accustomed to a certain lifestyle. This isn’t alimony and wouldn’t last forever. Then again Mary J. Blige had to pay lifestyle support for her ex AND his parents AND his adult kids that aren’t even hers so I get why Kevin wants to fight.

How do you “move on” when the threat continues?  And move on doesn’t mean forget.

Why you mad tho?

And as it happens, Karen lost her job.

Well, she did marry a joker...

Why should he be allowed to stare into the sunset after all he’s done? He should at least face prosecution for being the worst concept tortoise ever.

Hybrids notwithstanding, it doesn’t take 9 hours to fill a gas tank.

I don’t know what’s wrong with the question...he could answer it himself with a glance in the mirror.  While he was throwing someone else under the bus, he could have addressed the rumors of his wife cheating with this bodyguard.