I believe the family.
I believe the family.
Nah, she’s stupid - bankruptcy isn’t always approved by the court and not all debts are discharged. This stupid broad lied, admitted she lied for clicks, went to Africa bragging about all the money she had moved from the US to avoid garnishment. She’s a messier, drunk version of Wendy Williams.
Salty about your rating getting less traction on IMDB, I see.
Michelle Duggar was on an episode of What Not To Wear - at the end, she was still conservative but she actually looked great. After all that, she immediately went back to looking like a 70s teenage throwback to please Jimmy Bo Bob Brain.
And Sarah Hucksterbee recently got child labor laws changed so kids will be easier to abuse.
All those surprised, raise your hand.
NYPD entered the discussion and pretty much confirmed what H&M’s rep said. You don’t have to be a Sussex fan to know this would be frightening as hell, considering what happened to Harry’s mom. And Meghan’s mom was with them.
Barbara Lee is a better choice, and she plans to run for the spot already.
The fixed price will be waaay higher than than anyone anticipated.
It seems those who join sororities make it their identity for the rest of their lives.
That’s lunch for a grown man working on the chain gang.
That’s how she was raised - a holy roller family. When she came out with “I Kissed a Girl” they lost their minds. She’s been slowly rolling back to her roots.
Once again, Nick Cannon firing off willy nilly.
Thank you for coming through with the explanation. A lot of armchair analysts have been talking out of order about this. If it’s never happened to them, then it’s never happened to anyone. Whoopi is losing what little gray matter she had.
Don’t conflate health and fitness; they can go hand in hand, but aren’t the same thing. As a health care professional you should know that fitness is the body’s capacity to work, and health is the absence of disease or infirmity. Healthy weight is also subjective, and usually applies to studies done on white men. You…
Especially when the guy considered the father of running, Jim Fixx, dropped dead of a heart attack at 52. While running.
Whaaaaaa? After Felon Musky brought all those Tesla jobs to Texas?
There’s a difference?
His fashion sense is a crime.