Thank you. This article read like a Tik Tok - wait for it - lifehack.
Thank you. This article read like a Tik Tok - wait for it - lifehack.
Australia, the land where 8 out of 10 things that will kill you live; that took aboriginal kids from their families; and gave the world Rupert Murdoch and family.
Tennis balls don’t help clothes dry faster; they fluff things that need it, like your pillows, down comforters/jackets, etc.
I’m trying to figure out what her credit score is such that she put less than 20% down and got a 1% interest rate.
Why do we not hear mass shootings referred to as white-on-white crime?
They might have been referring to the makeup palette. Ms. Cassi is fabulous and the person who started this ish should be dragged.
Documentation from Tesla states the self-driving software has trouble recognizing objects when you’re going over 50 MPH. Which you would be doing on the freeway. There were multiple emergency vehicles on the road, it’s the middle of the night, and he was going fast enough to damage a FIRE TRUCK.
They’re married.
Someone has to die for it to be noteworthy??????
I’m waiting for the Chris Rock defenders to say “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” Tell that the the folks who spend millions on words to influence your behavior. Tell that to your boss when s/he tells you to do something. Tell that to your mother or father when they say something. W…
When did he slap Chris Brown?
The children of your first cousin are still your first cousin, just once removed. The children of first cousins are second cousins to each other.
What’s the point of race car power if you aren’t racing the car? Just to be able to say “my car is 5mil horsepower and goes from 0 to 150mph in 1.3 seconds.” Great - where and when? Bragging rights are overrated.
This the same Paleface Perpetrator who is supporting Tory Lanez?
Most of these, even for celebrity costumes, were crazy ugly.
They counted on Affleck’s personality to make everything okay; instead they found out nobody cared and just wanted their coffee.
To tRump: Bitch, who asked you? Signed, bitch who didn’t ask you.
All performers at the SuperBowl lip sync. ALL. They are ready for anything to go wrong (Roseanne Barr anyone?). It’s a backing track and they sing along with it. Some of y’all missed Rihanna’s voice going on when her mouth wasn’t moving.
One right-winger came up with “two openly-Christian quarterbacks but the lefties won’t talk about that!” Anything to avoid the two obviously black quarterbacks. And in the meantime, stop caping for that Lincoln dude just because he didn’t own slaves. He didn’t free them either.
“She has shown Black women that they can have an easy life just like celebrity white women.”