
Easy Edgy McEdgerson.

Yeah, those 25 million players are totally playing an overrated game!

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The “Hey guys” line that they all use is my pet peeve.

Right? I thought that WAS the purpose of the jump cut editing: that they can’t memorize beyond six words at a time

Mei is, objectively, the BEST

thats because racism has not only been legitimized, its been deemed patriotism.

“I would never ...” = “I didn’t realize there would be consequences for my actions.” Which is why we are seeing an uptick in racist and anti-Semitic acts; people are getting the message that they can get away with it.

It amazes me every time someone uses the term “SJW” unironically, oblivious to how unintelligent it makes them seem, and how well it signals that their thoughts and opinions should be summarily ignored.

The WSJ ran an “intentional hit piece”... on PewDiePie.


For real. She was not a movie star or even a regular working movie actress. This outrage is beyond stupid, but par for the course.

Oh for shizzle. How could paying somebody a small amount of money to advocate for the death of all Jewish people possibly have Antisemitic intentions? CLEARLY that’s totes funny bro people just don’t get what’s funny anymore hahaha Jews dying haha les mots juste bump it come on bump it bump this shit bro yeah blow it

Someone should instruct these guys on what a free market is and how it works. In this particular case, how it works is that large companies that rely on their family-friendly image and reputation don’t want to partner with and pay a guy who makes anti-Semitic jokes that aren’t remotely funny. He’s still of course

The problem with today’s racists/bigots/anti-semites, is that they refuse to own it. Also doesn’t help that they refer to the 8th grade as their senior year.

Benjamin may not identify with the nebulous “alt right” or neo-Nazis, but he was once been referenced by Daily Stormer owner Andrew Anglin as someone whose videos were “leading people in our direction.”

It’s possible to make offensive jokes, and for them to be okay.

But the sensitivity of the subject matter should be balanced by the joke being, you know, actually funny. Otherwise you’re just an ass.

Calling them jokes is generous.

prince was a winner and therefore a member

I think it had more to do with her filmography.

The first criteria is that they have to be members of the Academy. Based on that, I would think that it makes it a lot easier to track applicable “alive/dead” status versus relying on submissions from family or associates. Maybe I’m wrong?