
Didn’t think it was a poor idea at all. Betances has better stats across the board (nearly double the WAR) except for Saves when compared to Jeurys Familia who has essentially the same service time.

Yeah, fuck that agent for trying!

Now THIS helps me see it, Jesus damn. But well, this just serves to prove that skill beats cheating.

Also, thanks man.

Um no, not maybe still a guy. Legally, psychologically and socially she is female.
It’s bullshit attitudes like that that led to her having a fucking emotional breakdown back stage and resigning.

This is not at all true. There is mountains of evidence that shows that it is not necessary to sacrifice everything in your life to be the best.

To which I raise you Garry Kasparov, one of the three Greatest of All Time in the chess world (Bobby Fischer, Garry Kasparov, Magnus Carlson), who had time to get married twice while holding the world champion title.

No, thats just not true. There is decades upon decades of proof that its not true.

Neil Gaiman, Patrick Rothfuss, and the late Terry Pratchett would all like a word with your view.

Conversely, Ernest Hemingway might well buy into your worldview, but that didn’t end well for him, did it?

Silly nonsense. Almost always? There’s plenty of amazing artists who put out some of their best work while working with their S.O.

I love how refusing to visit a draft dodger in the White House is somehow disrespectful to the troops. Not to mention our commander-in-chief once ridiculed a gold star family, a war hero and said he “knows more than the generals.” Yeah, he respects the hell out of the troops.

They watch the killcams. This is from MoonMoon’s perspective later in the match:

I won’t ever forgive her or Verlander for their classless little fits they threw over kneeling NFL athletes when that was a thing. I do not doubt for a minute that Kate acted the way they reporter her to have. Kate’s uncle is a long-time Republican Congressman up here in Michigan, and the family is from the Whirlpool

Good article. Even the most obtuse Trump supporter should be able to rationalize that Russia didn’t seek to influence this election in order to ensure that the strongest candidate won. They wanted (and got) the naive, exploitable guy.

There was no joke. He had two men hold up an anti-Semitic comment and laughed about it. Whatever social commentary or satirical point he thought he was making died at the exact moment he decided to keep that bit in his video.

I find the defence of the two Indians as “just a joke” that some are doing really revealing.

So a dude with more money than most people see in their lives chose to take advantage of economically-disadvantaged individuals for the sake of some anti-Semitic “humor,” and is now surprised that there are consequences that go with that kind of behavior.

Got it.

Having read some of the comments on the previous article

I mean, not surprising. You can be an idiot on the internet all you want. We’re all dicks sometime. But once you regularly start going, “Hey, lets see how racist and shitty I can be,” even in the context of something like Fiverr, you’re doing it wrong. Everybody’s trolled before. It’s an internet rite of passage.

You know what didn’t show up in his statement? An apology. How hard is that?

You seem to miss the point...

So I take it Titanfall won't qualify for this list, then? That's coming to PC and 360 as well.