
“Well it’s not what any of my other rape victims did.”

It’s not like she necessarily even knew whose wife she was auditioning to play at the time.

“That is not what rape victims do.”

Callen categorically denied all the allegations with a statement to The Times, citing “cancel culture”

It is Licensed By GAWD

First thing, LA County Sheriffs are THE worst. You gotta watch them at all times. The federal cases against them present and past are insane. The previous Sheriff, Lee Baca, is in a federal prison right now.

Or at least add “Chevy”,Camaro” or ”Impalaor stretch it out to read “Super Sport Fan.”

Wanna rethink your user name? For real...!.

“Fuck it, someone has to do it.”- Black Women since forever. Thank you Maxine

They put the honky in honkytonk

White people aren’t inherently racist but America is.

Tom is Kyle’s dad.

Burns is the guy who got someone to drive him to the finish line. Grandpa’s the guy who took a nap in the middle of the race. Homer’s the guy who got drunk, took rat poison, and hallucinated his way to an unlikely win.

Speaking of Pheidippides, one thing that always blows my mind about the marathon is that somebody, at some point, said, “hey, remember that time a guy ran and ran and ran and then just dropped dead? Let’s try and do that sometime!”

1. This is definitely a false equivalency.

It’s my fault you’re an ass?

Your to pickey.

Um, Tom Hanks wasn’t really in space.

While I agree with you, and for the most part, I do, there is a specific time of year here in Michigan when the lemons are crap. Seriously crap. They’re so gassed to ripeness that there’s almost no lemon inside but the whole thing is full of pith. For that time, I do cheat and keep a small bottle of concentrate as

I’m not shopping a place that profits on low wages and absurd working condi....oh wait