
No, he wondered why the statistics didn’t match his worldview, which is that police officers treat trans-women exactly the same way they treat cis-women.

Being called a white male when one is a white male is definitely not a “slur.” What a dipshit.

He’s yelling that he’s trying to be as professional as he can, and I believe him.

I love that his response to being told that trans people experience more police violence than non-trans people is “Many people I know have not been accused of violence”

Wait. I thought blue lives matter and they’re infallible no matter how they act? /s

But what about all of the police officers whose feelings were hurt when they were forced to consider that their experiences are not representative of the experiences of everyone else in the country?

He absolutely thinks she “made” him murder her.

“My life is over.”

“Well, that’s going to be news to Rebecca Blunt,”

That’s fair enough. But realize that the one movie that emphasized what you said is WW. Considering that and it’s almost $800 million cume, you’d think the best way to achieve this is not having Gadot as a secondary character. Consider the trailers as a clue. The first was Affleck front and center. The later ones

How embarrassing for Affleck that suddenly he’s only the second biggest player in the DC universe. Guarantee 90% of the re-shoots are about increasing Gadot’s role in the film.

Not gonna lie. I do still yell “Mjolnir!” when random things fly by me. Which, considering I have three young sons, is probably more often than you think.

Watching the Night Manager, I started to possibly consider maybe beginning to understand the attraction of Hiddleston. Then Hiddleswift happened and my vagina slammed shut like a beartrap.


But minorities and women should just shut up and be able identify with all the white males that are already out there because of....reasons!

Yes, who will boys look up to now? It’s not like there are that many powerful male figures in entertainment, especially in the sci-fi realm. WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE BOY CHILDREN?!?

Who does she think she is? It’s not like she’s a police officer; actually killing people with impunity and then getting a Go Fund Me account. Praise God they threw the book at her. We all know how DeKalb County really wants to avenge the wrong that has be committed here. How will Walmart recover from *almost* losing

...at least now he may realise why people need healthcare that’s affordable and non-judgemental.

This is Vogue. No look counts until a white person does it.