Ironically why I STOPPED watching the NBA, everything appears to be a “look at me” offense-oriented game, where players are more concerned with their ‘brand’ than actually contributing to a team anymore.
Ironically why I STOPPED watching the NBA, everything appears to be a “look at me” offense-oriented game, where players are more concerned with their ‘brand’ than actually contributing to a team anymore.
FWIW, Orr himself said that isn’t true at his press conference.
Takeo Spikes should donate some of his neck to this poor young man.
This. Not only does it demonstrate to an arena full of people that he doesn’t teach that style of ball, the public tongue lashing might make the player think twice about doing something like that again. So basically...
He may have done this simply to show Rutgers that he doesn’t approve. If he waits until they are back in the locker room then people may think that he has no problem with showing up the losing team.
We mustn’t disturb the delicate punter!
Wishing an ACL tear on a guy who briefly tried to restrict your punting space seems... extreme. I think he got under your skin a little, Chris.
They are both: Zilches. He was walking in to confrton which is aggressive. I don’t feel she was in danger, (nor he) But I find it hard to blame someone who responds with violence with returned violence. If this had been a man that hit him - then the headline would read “Big 12 athlete deals with bully”. If he was my…
“he was always going to be a tricky HoF case because he didn’t really get his career going until age 25, and spent more than 5 seasons either partially or completely injured. “
Do you have my phone tapped?
“I’d guess chances are high that they’re also fairly young and largely self-taught, unaware of things like industry rates.”
I don’t get it: if you’re a freelance editor and you’re offered a job that doesn’t pay enough, you turn it down. How is it the fault of the customer (LostNUnbound) if he’s soliciting services at a particular rate and you agree to it?
That’s what I’m trying to figure out. Was there no negotiation of payment beforehand? This is precisely why contracts exist, people!
The editors don’t have to take the job right? I mean, if they’re not happy with what they’re getting for their work, then don’t do it. What am I missing here?
Ok, is there something I’m missing here? Do people just do the work and then ask “Ok, here’s your edit. How much will you pay me?”. Either that or they are dumb for accepting the terms and then whining about it afterwards. Idiots either way.
If you can get some sap to do the editing for $10, why learn it?
I like all of this, until the last sentence of “If you are not in prison, you have something to be thankful for.” How about you just don’t commit a fucking crime and then you won’t be in prison?
Pictured: Steve Smith
“Don’t do that. They still get pregnant in the air.”