I drive a saab. can i get a ride?

This is asked as if everyone in the world has a choice where they live. They don’t. Some places are more shitty than others.

James Glickenhaus has been using this tragedy to advertise his cars on Facebook. It’s pretty fucked.

So did you guys find out this “first fatality” thing gets a lot of hits and just jump at this non-story? People die on bikes and people die in cars and people fall down dead walking down the street. Absolutely a tragedy but when I saw the headline I honestly hoped it was making fun of the way the Tesla story

In college I was riding in my roommates trans am, he spun it because college and we ended up in a sandwash in the foothills in Tucson. Talking about four feet of loose sand. We called a cab and picked up my gmc pickup and proceeded to bury it to the axles. We called it a night and returned the next morning to find a

The funny thing is all those high beltlines and thick pillars make for cabins that feel tiny and limit visibility for people of all sizes. I’m 6'4 and I feel more comfortable in a 73 BMW 2002 or an old beetle then in the new Camaro which is roughly one million times the size of those cars.

I live in fear of my malevolent lord the low-oil-pressure light

I want a spitting Gryffin hoodbird for my viggen. In which I’m currently sitting, broken down on the side of I4 in Florida...please send money.

Reading between the lines it seems the car didnt slide into a curb, YOU did. It happens but an auto journalist letting a flat tire strand him is a little out there. No spare?

I’ve got a convertible that isnt as clean as that I’d sell you for 5 grand

I own a Viggen and I’m super excited to see one on jalopniks front page but this is priced a bit too high. They can be found cleaner and stock with far fewer milers much cheaper and if the B235r is running stock pistons then it WILL melt those pistons soon.

Not the coolest airplane ever. SR-71 by a mile.

Ok I get it. Everything about this car is just so, so cool on paper but that McDonalds colors livery is an absolute eyesore. Not even in the traditional Abarth so-ugly-it’s-awesome way, just straight up horrible.