
This article just demonstrates *WHY* Trump said there was blame on both sides, because the headline of this piece is right on...*THEY* came for a fight. In this case, BOTH SIDES are “They”. 

The motherfucker who drove into the crowd is as “endorsed” by Trump as the shooter at the parking garage in Houston was “endorsed” by Obama.

Yup, the same way Western communists in the 60s re-branded communism as “Social Justice” and re-branded the class war into an identity war.

How quickly you forget the baseball shooting and the BLM shooting of a bunch of Texas cops. Both “sides” are fucking idiots

Being a racist nazi is obviously horrible. The alt-left/Antifa, or whatever they want to call themselves, use violence to shutdown speech while espousing communist ideology. Both groups need to be stopped.

Haha seriously. Some of us think EVERYONE sucks. The guy who drove into the crowd is a psycho. The guy who shot up an abortion clinic is evil. The guy who shot up the Republican baseball game is evil. The Evergreen State protestors are weirdos.

Are you seriously adorably claiming AntiFA (Anti-First Amendment) terrorist group are not fascists? They violently shut down freedom of speech, expression, and thought through violent terrorism. That IS fascism you troglodyte.

Eat shit and stop trying to incite race wars. I voted for trump...40 year old single dad who is the primary parent for an eight year old boy when his mom flaked out. Getting remarried this year to a beautiful woman from Peru who I love dearly. Voting for Trump does not make me a racist, you have no idea who I am. I

Are you on the side of the kind of people who are fighting Nazis and Klansmen—one of whom gave her life yesterday to the cause of defeating them—even if they sometimes make mistakes? Or are you on the side of white supremacist murderers? Pick one.

To take a leaf out of our president’s book, you might say the Times keeps finding “many sides” to a story that is, at its core, about just one thing: whether you are for white supremacy, or Nazism, or against it.

No fuck You you collectivist asshat.

Treat it as a group? OK, then all BLM and antifa are just as much to blame for violence on their side as this guy is on his. Don’t like it? Tough, you’ve decided to judge as a group!

Black Guy kills people: “Not all black people are murderers! You racist!”

“Fuuuckkkkkk that. And fuck you for even suggesting it.”

Fuck anyone who suggests all Muslims shouldn’t be held accountable for the actions of a terrorist, amirite? 

The arguments you’ve just made here are the absolute equivalent of the right associating individual Islamic terror attacks with Islam as a whole, if you’re curious.

Probably because counter protestors were the first to turn violent last night, and both the police chief and the mayor are blaming this on two outside groups who descended onto their town looking to cause trouble which local citizens got caught up in. I just spent 20 minutes reading multiple articles and watching


There is no logic to this argument. If a true racist/sexist both doesn’t want competition and believes that competency is purely a factor of biology(which, as far as I can tell, wasn’t Google Guy’s argument)(GASP) why not hire “incompetent”(AKA minorities via this argument) people who won’t outshine them.

I have a feeling that’s gonna be a lot of hush money.

As a liberal, its hard for me to stand by and see obvious censorship in the workplace. As a business owner, I can see why Google want’s to just swallow the negative PR now, pay James some hush money and do all they can to move on from this.