
so it did the same thing as Dexter?

apparently the pushed all the their marketing into Christian network stuff. They apparently had this bizarre hope of pulling a "The Passion of Christ".

supposedly they upped the Jesus screen time. The original actually paired down how much Jesus was in the story in comparison to the book.

yes but he's white trash so he doesn't matter.

It really depends on how connected to the case the current prosecutors are. If they had nothing, not even friends with the old team, then they might drop it. But if they do have any connection, or are running for reelection this year, they'll definitely try to retrie him no matter how weak their evidence is. Can't

yes would have been better if there had been at least one scene where we see the original x-wing and its refereed to as an old model being sent for scrap or something. Which would both explain why the prequels fly different ships and how the Rebels end up with X-Wings and the like (not like they're rolling in money

yeah my understanding (I think there's actually a Lucas quote) is they wanted everything shiny and new to kind of visually highlight the difference between the Republic and the Empire. A kind of steady fall in civilization. Of course that completely ignored the reason why the originals had that "lived in" look to

bingo. I remember going to the Star Wars museum tour here in Seattle and being shocked they had miniatures at all. I still question how much they actually used them and how much they just used them as reference for the CGI team to model after. But yeah regardless it was not a good job.

So is the AVClub so hard up for traffic now that its just going to keep posting whatever political click bait it can? Every one of these articles just devolves into name calling at best in the comments, invites in trolls to roil thing up in these threads and others and turns commenters against each other.

you know what's a better idea than making a prequel movie about a character we don't actually know that much about before he did that cool thing you loved in that one movie. Making three of them.

maybe he sat on that thumb tack Zim left lying around.

I'm sure even now he is working from his underwater lair to find a way to destroy this fun as well.

You can't make me build equity!!

I'd call TTG a paradoy. PPG seems to be more of a straight reboot.

the state only gives him once a month visiting rights.

sure, he can afford way better toys.

my internet sense is tingling.

It took twenty years for that CGI fur technology to advance far enough.

I watched the HBO "show me hero" mini series last week. Perfectly exemplifies how people will continue to double, triple, quadruple down on a position that has already been decided upon.

Moon pie. What a time to be alive.